reciprocity Texas and Nevada


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Forgive me if the answer is already published......but, why does Texas honor a Nevada Permit if Nevada doesn't honor a Texas permit?

Thanks in advance
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Usually it's some sort of politics. Seems wierd since our two states have very simular classroom/range requirements. They like to say that's usually why NV won't recognize another states CCW's is because of some lacking in training requirements.
Texas does honor a Nevada permit.
However I don't know why Nevada doesn't honor Texas permits.

Nevada Revised Statutes:

NRS 202.3689 Department to prepare list of states that meet certain requirements concerning permits; Department to provide copy of list to law enforcement agencies in this State; Department to make list available to public.
1. On or before July 1 of each year, the Department shall:
(a) Examine the requirements for the issuance of a permit to carry a concealed firearm in each state and determine whether the requirements of each state are substantially similar to or more stringent than the requirements set forth in Link Removed to Link Removed, inclusive.
(b) Determine whether each state has an electronic database which identifies each individual who possesses a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm issued by that state and which a law enforcement officer in this State may access at all times through a national law enforcement telecommunications system.
(c) Prepare a list of states that meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b). A state must not be included in the list unless the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association agrees with the Department that the state should be included in the list.
(d) Provide a copy of the list prepared pursuant to paragraph (c) to each law enforcement agency in this State.
2. The Department shall, upon request, make the list prepared pursuant to subsection 1 available to the public.
(Added to NRS by Link Removed)

I would be willing to bet it is one of the portions I bolded.
Texas would honor anyone who honored them. Then the Governor went out of his way and made unilateral recognition of those states that didn't have reciprocity in their law. Texas unilaterally honored Iowa before they started honoring all other states. West Virginia had reciprocity and would not sign with Texas so TX would not honor WV. WV and TX finally signed an agreement.

Nevada does not have reciprocity in their law. The Sheriffs of Nevada meet each year and look at all the states that have Carry and decide what states have laws similar to theirs and they will honor them. NV doesn't care if the other state honors them or not. Their laws just have to spell out certain things NV is looking for.

I think TX should be commended for saying if some states have laws that won't allow them to sign with other states they will not punish that states citizens because they have stupid politicians running the state. I look at it as a TX slap at those in power in those other states.

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