recent leo encounter


New member
i was driving thru indy w/an employee to go pick up a car in westernohio for work.The employee was driving 75 in a 55 and was stopped.Indiana state police sergeant approaches me on the passenger side and i've been packing my glock 33 since the il.atate line.The point of this is HE DIDN"T EVEN NOTICE I WAS ARMED. He was on my side and i just had the gun in aserpaholster under my untucked shirt.
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Wouldn't matter if you were armed or not because:

1) I'm assuming that you have a valid CC permit.
2) The LEO encounter was concerned the driver, not you.
3) It wasn't an encounter where "searching" or closely looking for a firearm was warranted.
4) You would NEVER use your firearm in an unlawful manner.

With that said, it's highly likely that the LEO may have noticed the firearm and not said anything because of the reasons I just stated. Keep in mind that there are a lot of excellent LEO out there that won't bust your chops because you choose to exercise your 2A rights. ;)

Glad you had a good experience.

Even if you had been driving, Indiana does not require drivers to notify LEO that they are carrying. Nevertheless, glad to hear that you did not experience any grief over this.
Wouldn't matter if you were armed or not because:

1) I'm assuming that you have a valid CC permit.
2) The LEO encounter was concerned the driver, not you.
3) It wasn't an encounter where "searching" or closely looking for a firearm was warranted.
4) You would NEVER use your firearm in an unlawful manner.

With that said, it's highly likely that the LEO may have noticed the firearm and not said anything because of the reasons I just stated. Keep in mind that there are a lot of excellent LEO out there that won't bust your chops because you choose to exercise your 2A rights. ;)

Glad you had a good experience.


Re item (2): The LEO should be concerned with everyone in the vehicle during a stop - anyone can be armed and a potential threat to him. Look at it from his point of view. He wants to go home to his family after his shift ends.
I'm not saying that the officer shouldn't be aware and observe everyone in the vehicle, I'm simply saying that most decent LEO won't bust your chops unless you're doing something that you're not supposed to.

I'm not saying that the officer shouldn't be aware and observe everyone in the vehicle, I'm simply saying that most decent LEO won't bust your chops unless you're doing something that you're not supposed to.


I am truly amazed at the number and types of encounters some people claim to have had with LEO. I am 58 and have not had 1/10 the encounters with police that some 21 year-olds claim and never the negatve ones that I constantly hear about. If someone has nothing but problems with all gun store clerks I start to wonder if the problem is with the customer rather than the clerks. Maybe if you have nothing but bad experiences with LEO there maybe a problem with you instead of the police.
I am truly amazed at the number and types of encounters some people claim to have had with LEO. I am 58 and have not had 1/10 the encounters with police that some 21 year-olds claim and never the negatve ones that I constantly hear about. If someone has nothing but problems with all gun store clerks I start to wonder if the problem is with the customer rather than the clerks. Maybe if you have nothing but bad experiences with LEO there maybe a problem with you instead of the police.

Don't know what your last post meant, but FYI I'm far older than 21. I do firearms training for LEO and many are personal friends. I've had encounters with LEO both good and bad. I'm confident that I'm not a "problem" ;)

Glock Fan, I was agreeing with you totally on your comment I'm simply saying that most decent LEO won't bust your chops unless you're doing something that you're not supposed to. I did not intemd for it to apply to you at all but to point out that you are correct and those that seem to have the most problems seem to bring it on themselves. I apologize if you took my comment wrong.

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