Recall Petition to remove Cantwell and Murray

I would sign it but I live in MN. I wish I could recall mine here in MN but there are to many lib-o-rats here in MN.
Bill O. Rights, First time I have seen this recall petition! Is there anyway to get this going again less than a thousand signatures far less of the 700,000 + goal. I have written many letters to both Cantwell and Murray but they have always voted opposite my requests. I know the latest gun control fight Murray penned her own wishes for gun grab control legislation for WA coupled with her vote on the small arms treaty with the UN is deplorable. Two Senators deserving of what Colorado gave theirs, walking papers!
I live in PA, so my signing would be useless, but keep up the good fight in Washington. Pound the streets, place this in varying facebook sites, other gun forum sites, etc. Keep getting the word out.
I used same password that I use to login to USA Carry and it accepted my petition...

I tried that and still got, "Password you provided is not valid"

Oh well, I'll be happy to send it if someone can tell me the correct password to use.
I would love to sign the petition but I will not give my password to sign. If you want signatures that is not the way to get them.
Apparently it is a site like many others that requires registration to participate. Go to the Home page where you can register, then use your new password to sign the petition.
I registered with the website. Did the confirmation email link. Still won't let me sign, says invalid password. OP hasn't bothered to come back to the thread. No wonder there are only 984 signatures on it. I'm done, have a nice day.
Can this be done for the President of The United States of America?

I don't know the procedure for citizens to start the process of impeachment but it would sure be the thing to do and soon! President Obama has three years left to really make our lives the pits, with his reckless, questionable use of Executive Orders and his misuse of Departments, like the IRS, EPA, Homeland Security to push his hard left progressive agenda...