Ready to buy Glock in Virginia


New member

I have a new CWP. I heard that a good place to purchase weapsons with my credentials (law enforcement) for a discount is somewhere in Ashland Virginia? Near Richmond? I live in Culpeper so it sounds like something I should check.

Does anyone know where this place is?


Check out Law Enforcement is a certified LE dealer, just got a G19 for $430 (standard Sights). They also have S&W, Kahr, HK, and Springfield at discounts.
ashland gunshops

the bwst place i have found for law enforcement discounts has been degoffs firearms on mechanicsville turnpike just off of 295 near ashland, its a small store but its packed with firearms and Knoledgeable salesmen. that being said that area is very rich now in gun shops. dont discount Greentop sporting goods on route 1 in ashland large selection competative prices. and nearly across the street is Gander Mountain ( prices a bit high for me) then about a mile away from that is Bass pro shops newest store here in Va. you can find all their addresses by viewing the state page of this web site. they are all easy to get to right off of 295. and if you are not in a huge hurry say able to wait 8 to 12 weeks sig sauer has a direct buy program for all first responders very generous discount on 2 firearms per year. they will send it direct to the FFL of your choice. should you be interested i will forward you a price list. :biggrin:

I have a new CWP. I heard that a good place to purchase weapsons with my credentials (law enforcement) for a discount is somewhere in Ashland Virginia? Near Richmond? I live in Culpeper so it sounds like something I should check.

Does anyone know where this place is?


One question being you are law enforcement, why do you need a CWP?
He could be Series 083- Federal Police. They can only carry on-duty (silly, right?).

That includes Veteran's Affairs, Civilian military, DOD, and certain other federal police positions.

Hey don't forget that great glock holster - Barber Leather Works
If your credentials satisfy Glock's qualifications then you may want to check out Town Police Supply of Richmond. 804.745.6433
Pick up a copy of Glock Autopistols 2009 edition published by Harris. On pg 35, check out article by Kevin R Davis entitled " Glock's Homeland Security Program". It gives you a listing of persons eligible for the discount. It also suggests a visit to Glock's website for more information...I have done this but have not been able to get any information ontheir LEO discount policy.....stay safe

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