Ready for the maiden voyage! MAYBE?


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After traveling in our motor home full time for almost three years, we sold the MH and settled down again. That was two years ago. Well now we have another MH! Not as big , not as new but something to go for weekends and short trips. After doing some repairs and cleanup we are ready to take it out for its maiden voyage, you know the first trip to see if everything that could not be tested in the driveway works!!!
I shure hope nothing else needs repair. Every time something else needs replaced or fixed on this "it's a really good price and it won't cost us much at all" my wife gives me THE LOOK!:hang3: Guys you know the one I am talking about!!!!
So this coming weekend off I go to the closest campground I can find. And the wife? She said she may come out and check on me. :neo:
Sounds like a lot of fun. We plan on getting a small motor home in a couple years when I retire and doing a lot of travling at least to the states where we can carry. Our house is paid for so we will have a home to come back to when we need a rest from having fun.
We sold everything except what we wanted & could take with us and hit the road. We volunteered, that way we got a campsite for working for 20 hrs a week. We helped with lama's in Georgia, feed trout & helped hatch peasants in Oregon & we lived with the Yakma Indians and helped with the spawning of Salmon in Washington state. If you would like to see some pictures? Go to our web site and go to the photo page.

Fuel was just getting to high so we had to settle down again. But I was missing it so that is why we got another MH. I stoped today and made reservations for this weekend so we will see.....:unsure:
Well here we are, all set up. Everything seems to be working. The A/C took a long time to cool. The sun was on the camper full force so it doesn't surprise me. In Florida cooling is the hardest. Tomorrow will be the big test, after the A/C runs all night we will see if it holds its own when the sun comes up!! I hate the thought of needing to replace the air........:warning2:

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