Range today


New member
I went to the range today with a few friends, and about a dozen different handguns. We shot everything from a little .22 to .40 Glocks to .45 1911s. Out of all of them my favorite were the Kahr T9 and my Sig 239 9mm. Every time I shoot the Sig it thoroughly amazes me. I get awesome groupings with it, never FTFs, with the Hogue grips it feels perfect in my smaller hands. If anyone is considering one, don't hesitate. It's a great little gun. My buddy just picked up a High Standard Crusader Combat .45 and shot it for the first time today. All I have to say about that gun is wow. This thing is a tack hammer at close to medium range. He's got many different guns, but swears that this is his new carry weapon. Praise to High Standard for making such a great gun. For just over $500 at Cabela's it was a steal. If you guys get a chance, check one out sometime.
Ammo Shortage

My brother and I were talking Sunday and I mentioned I wanted to attend an advanced CC class on April 16th at the local gun club.
The class requires 200 rounds of ammo, and he asked where will you get the ammo there isn't any out there.
At work yesterday one of my co-workers said Dick's had some aultimax reloads that worked well in his Sig 45 and they came in 500 round containers.
After work I ran out to Dicks and found they had no 9mm, 40cal, nor 45cal, the salesman said they have had an order in for a couple weeks but nothing is available.
I left there and went to a new gun shop that opened two weeks ago, I had attended their grand opening and there shelves loaded with ammo.
The shelves were now bare and the owner said they had tried to order but there nothing available.
I told him I would have to start reloading, he said you can't even buy components.
What is going on?
I went to the range today with a few friends, and about a dozen different handguns. We shot everything from a little .22 to .40 Glocks to .45 1911s. Out of all of them my favorite were the Kahr T9 and my Sig 239 9mm. Every time I shoot the Sig it thoroughly amazes me. I get awesome groupings with it, never FTFs, with the Hogue grips it feels perfect in my smaller hands. If anyone is considering one, don't hesitate. It's a great little gun. My buddy just picked up a High Standard Crusader Combat .45 and shot it for the first time today. All I have to say about that gun is wow. This thing is a tack hammer at close to medium range. He's got many different guns, but swears that this is his new carry weapon. Praise to High Standard for making such a great gun. For just over $500 at Cabela's it was a steal. If you guys get a chance, check one out sometime.

Yep the sig's and the Kahr's are great guns. A buddy has a Kahr that he carry. I've shot it and it shots well for a small carry gun. Sigs are also really nice. I have an old P226/P6 police trade in model and it's still an accurate and fun gun to shoot. I have to say my favorite two are my Kimber Ultra CDP II and my AR. Glad to here you had a fun time at the range!