QUiet....Too Quiet

Been quiet around here in the PRMA forum. What you guys been up to? Any new purchases lately? Are you guys having trouble finding ammo and such? Just looking to bring some noise back to this section of the forum.
ay capo, I'm still here but not much on the puter lately. Been very busy here at work which is a good thing. Just getting ready to leave this wonderful state of MA. back to NH in about 5 minutes. Been very slow on working on My shooting range. My buddy with the excavator has been working, so until he is through not much getting done over here. Still waiting for My MA. renewal hopefully coming soon. Ok, time to go and hope to back on soon!
Hey man,

I have been busy myself. I am still at work in good ol' downtown Boston. Gotta love it. Thanks for the update on that range. I can't wait to see what that is like once it is all done. Your gonna have a blast (no pun intended) once that is finished!