What I found on Indiana Concealed Carry Permit Information -
Localities with Varying Laws:
East Chicago and Gary have assault weapons bans and Indianapolis prohibits the possession of weapons in city parks. Also, the city of Speedway has an old ordinance banning concealed carry (hasn't been enforced since the state CCW law was enacted).
3. When carrying within the state of Indiana on an out of state permit, the permittee must carry in accordance with the terms of the permit; for instance, if the permit says "concealed handgun permit," then it must be concealed. If it simply says license to carry handgun, it can then be carried either openly or concealed.
yeah, I know about the listing for Speedway and "what your permit lists". So, it's just a AWB for Gary. Good, Then my AR-15 should be fine, because it's a MBR not a AW. lol. Thanks wolf, my 1911 will be welcome there then.
yeah, I know about the listing for Speedway and "what your permit lists". So, it's just a AWB for Gary. Good, Then my AR-15 should be fine, because it's a MBR not a AW. lol. Thanks wolf, my 1911 will be welcome there then.