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Is it leagal to conceal carry in National Parks?
It's now up to the individual state. Some states allow it, some don't.

Slight clarification....maybe.

Its not "up to the state"...National Parks allow what the laws of the respective state allows.

I don't think a state can make a NP one of their prohibited places.
If you are legally allowed to carry a weapon in your state, you are now legally allowed to carry a weapon into national parks.

The same rules apply to NPs as the state they are in.

For instance, I live in PA and I have an LTCF (license to carry firearms). Since I can carry concealed in most places in PA, I can also now carry in Valley Forge NP for instance - only not in federal buildings like the welcome center.
What if the state prohibits firearms in state parks - would that preclude firearms in any NP within the state?
What if the state prohibits firearms in state parks - would that preclude firearms in any NP within the state?

I would have to say the best people to pose that question to would be:
1. Local police. Ask them they should have the laws at hand to answer. If not local call your state police or check their website for links to any government sites that have laws regarding firearms.
2. Call the firearms registry board or whatever governing body regulates or controls firearms. I hate using the terms regulate and control when referring to firearms.:bad:
2. Call the Parks and Recreation Department for the state in which you reside.

Remember, the information that you receive here on this site is just that, information. It can be accurate or inaccurate, one thing it will never be; grounds for a dismissal of charges, or admissible in court for your defense.

I know reading the law sometimes is as confusing as asking your dog for sound investment advice, but better safe than incarcerated.


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