Question re: Permanent Residents and Pistol/Revolver Ownership in North Carolina


New member

My wife and I are Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) who are considering moving to North Carolina for work related reasons (plus we love the state!). I believe I understand correctly that US citizenship is required to qualify for a concealed carry permit. My question is, is it okay for permanent residents to own pistols/revolvers in NC and shoot them at a range?

Hello LGermaine this is dirrectly from the Sheriffs dept in Charlotte...

Handgun Purchase Permit Requirements

Applicant must:

be a citizen, a naturalized citizen or a resident alien;
be twenty-one (21) years of age;
have attained at least one month's residency in Mecklenburg County;
provide a valid driver's license or other picture ID with current address provided by the state of North Carolina.
A criminal background check must be performed before granting of permit.

Permit to purchase a handgun costs five dollars ($5.00).

Permit to purchase a handgun is valid for a period of five (5) years from date of issue.

I am not sure if it depends on the city you will move to.. look it up on the internet if you have any other ?