Question on Carrying in Florida


New member
Is it legal for a CWL holder to carry in a Bank or Credit Union if no signage is posted? I had a friend tell me no,because they are FDIC insured and covered under federal law. I get mixed answers.
Is it legal for a CWL holder to carry in a Bank or Credit Union if no signage is posted? I had a friend tell me no,because they are FDIC insured and covered under federal law. I get mixed answers.

As far as I know, you're good-to-go in a bank w/o any signage posted, but I will defer to others who may be more aware of the situation than I.:smile:
They are federally insured, but not a federal entity. I have carried in FL for 8 years and I have always carried in banks (unless they have a sign posted, which my bank doesnt). I don’t frequent places I can’t carry a gun. Especially restaurants
You can always ask local law enforcement – they are usually up to speed on the topic.

Hope this helps.

I'm sorry - I thought I was clear – YES you can carry in the bank unless posted on the door. I double checked the statutes (I have them tattooed on my arms :biggrin:) and I can’t find anything to argue otherwise. I have always carried in a bank, so I don’t even think about it.

It appears banks are OK..
I would highly recommend you spend the $$ and purchase the book "Florida Firearms - Law, Use & Ownership by Jon H. Gutmacher, Esq.
He is a lawyer that updates the book on a yearly basis.. He takes all the legal mumbo Jumbo and puts it in plain English. The book is around $25 bucks which is cheap insurance to making a mistake!!!
The book covers just about any question you can think of on any and all aspects of gun ownership in Florida...
FDIC for lack of a better term a Federally owned insurance company. If this made a bank off-limits then any land that has crop insurance or flood insurance would fall under the same restrictions. The Federal Government backs flood and crop insurance the same way as the FDIC backs banks. That woulld probably cover about one-half of Florida than wold be under federal control. :cray:
Banks are NOT Federal facilities they are private businesses and are not on the Florida or Federal restriction list so you can carry in banks in Florida.

I am not certain what the comments about signs are about??? Florida has no "no gun" sinage laws that I am aware of, so even if a business (including a bank) has a sign stating no guns, you are not violating any law if you carry into that business. The business owner could ask you to leave their premises, and if you refuse you could be arrested for trespass, but that is about the extent of it.

Signs don't mean anything in Florida, which is why no one posts them.

I will note for the record however that I like the sign at the entrance of our new Gander Mountain store which reads "NO LOADED FIREARMS ALLOWED" ... then notes this does not apply to holders of a valid concealed weapons permit.