This is from the Wis - Reg:
If I do not have a CCW license how do I transport weapons in a vehicle?
The law now allows a person to do the following without a CCW permit:
place, possess, or transport a handgun in a vehicle without being
unloaded or encased. Wis. Stats. § 167.31(2)(b).
load a handgun in a vehicle. Wis. Stats. § 167.31(2)(c).
operate an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) with a handgun in the operator‘s
possession. Wis. Stat. § 23.33(3)(a).
place, possess, or transport a handgun in or on a motorboat with the motor
running without being unloaded or encased. Wis. Stats. § 167.31(2)(a), (b),
place, possess, or transport a handgun in or on a noncommercial aircraft.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Persons who do not have a CCW license may still not
carry weapons concealed. In a vehicle this means that the firearm cannot be
hidden or concealed and within reach.
I keep mine in a holster that is between the seat and center glove box, semi-concealed.
I do have a permit.