Question on automatics


New member
Thinking about buying a DA pistol, but I don't know anything about them. I've seen movies how they just shove a clip in the handle and start shooting. Can you do that or must you cock the pistol first by pulling back the slide?
It all depends if there was a round in the pipe when the magazine was placed in the handel or if it was empty, if one in the pipe then yes just pull the trigger if empty then first you must make it hot by racking the slide.
What Cal. are you looking towards? The folks here are great and will help answer any questions you may have.
Welcome to the High Roads
Welcome Midnight from Tampa Bay Florida..
It sounds like you don't have a lot of experience with Semi-Autos..
If not, seek out a gun store in your area (BTW, what area are you in???) that might have some rental pistols and try a few before you settle.
I'm not trying to sway you one way or another, it's just good to be exposed to as much as possible before deciding what you should buy.. IMHO...
It sounds like a few firearms lessons are in order.

:biggrin:Please contact an NRA instructor and get the straight skinny from a guy who knows what he is doing.

Myself I would get a SA/DA similar to what the miltary is using function wise.

1. keep your booger hooker off the bang switch unless you are ready to shoot
2.set the weapon to safe
3.keeping the weapon level and pointed down range insert a loaded magazine and push it all the way up intil it locks ( a gentle tap on the bottom of the magazine will suffice to ensure it is locked)
4. keeping the weapon level and pointed down range...RACK THE SLIDE
5. using your thumb on the hand gripping the weapon set the safety to fire
6. put your sights on the target
7. gently pull the trigger
8. rinse lather repeat:biggrin:
:biggrin:Please contact an NRA instructor and get the straight skinny from a guy who knows what he is doing.

Myself I would get a SA/DA similar to what the miltary is using function wise.

1. keep your booger hooker off the bang switch unless you are ready to shoot
2.set the weapon to safe
3.keeping the weapon level and pointed down range insert a loaded magazine and push it all the way up intil it locks ( a gentle tap on the bottom of the magazine will suffice to ensure it is locked)
4. keeping the weapon level and pointed down range...RACK THE SLIDE
5. using your thumb on the hand gripping the weapon set the safety to fire
6. put your sights on the target
7. gently pull the trigger
8. rinse lather repeat:biggrin:

LOL... Nice... That will get em going...:laugh:
Thinking about buying a DA pistol, but I don't know anything about them. I've seen movies how they just shove a clip in the handle and start shooting. Can you do that or must you cock the pistol first by pulling back the slide?

First, you're asking about semi-automatic pistols, not automatic.

Second, the device in a pistol that holds rounds is a magazine, not a clip.

Third, anything you've seen in a movie regarding firearms needs to be erased from your memory.

Finally, you can pull the trigger all day long on a DA pistol, but it won't fire until you charge a round into the chamber.
Welcome to the site.

Now, PLEASE go back and re-read the advice from Festus, especially the part about getting instruction from a bona-fide instructor. Advice from your buddies (or this site) is NOT good enough, at this point.

Look forward to seeing you on this site. Let us know about your progress.
Spend some time at a range that offers firearm rental and instruction. Start with a .22LR semi-automatic just to get the feel. Once the feeling of firing a semi-automatic weapon has filled you with the same joy you feel on Christmas morning, try a bigger caliber… Ah… fun and education all at the same time… Love America…um um Good..
Welcome to the site…:pleasantry:
:biggrin:Please contact an NRA instructor and get the straight skinny from a guy who knows what he is doing.

Myself I would get a SA/DA similar to what the miltary is using function wise.

1. keep your booger hooker off the bang switch unless you are ready to shoot
2.set the weapon to safe
3.keeping the weapon level and pointed down range insert a loaded magazine and push it all the way up intil it locks ( a gentle tap on the bottom of the magazine will suffice to ensure it is locked)
4. keeping the weapon level and pointed down range...RACK THE SLIDE
5. using your thumb on the hand gripping the weapon set the safety to fire
6. put your sights on the target
7. gently pull the trigger
8. rinse lather repeat:biggrin:

I would add only two things...

* Never, NEVER, NEVER point your firearm at anything unless you know exactly what it is you're aiming at!! Shooting through the door at a scary noise, or someone banging on it, or at a shadow in the dark you don't recognize . . . VERY BAD!!

* Never point your firearm at anything you are not fully psychologically committed to destroying if necessary. This is not a video game.
Four basic rules of any firearm:
1. All guns are loaded
2. Don't point gun at any thing your not willing to destroy
3. Don't put finger on trigger until your ready to destroy said target
4. Know what is beyond said target. Bullet travel is your responsibility
These rules will keep you out of trouble.
Welcome aboard. Looks like you got some great replies to your post......all I can say is listen to what they have told you and be safe.

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