Question for all


New member
I was thinking about this the othe day and I thought I would pass it along to the forum. The question: How has having a CWP changed your life? I wanted to see what ya'll ( yes I'm from south carolna LOL ) have to say.
I'll save my comments till later, I want to hear ya'lls thoughts. This really does have an impact on ones life. Sorry if this is a duplicate thread but I haven't seen one.
I'm from SC too, having my CWP change me by wearing clothes to concealed my Glock 37. Not to metioned sitting down in a chair or getting into an automobile but over all I feel more safer by having my CWP so that I can carry my Glock 37. These days and times you never know what might happen rather be safe then sorry.
Ya'll works for most of us in Texas also. Sense I have carried, and that has been for quite a while, I am more confident. I feel I am better prepared if I am thrust into a confrontational situation. After training though it has also taught me to be more alert and aware of what is going on around me. You know, the color code i.e. staying out of condition white.
I miss "Ya'll" since I moved to the Outback years ago. Up here, everyone sounds like they're Scandanavian (No, NOT like the movie "Fargo", that's a good way to get people riled up here!).

Interesting...I've had a CWP for years, but only carried sporadically; most of the time the weapon was in the truck. It wasn't until I took defensive handgun training that I began to carry 24/7. My attitude now is "I'm a sheepdog". Not a cop, but a sheepdog. Much more aware and I look at all the sheep like they need protection (and they do). Also, much more mellow (no more 1-finger salutes when I'm driving, for e.g.), willing to let things slide as most of the crap that comes your way is from sheep and they have no idea they're dealing with an armed sheepdog. Easier to just grin and let it slide.

I've noted before that I'm starting to open carry more. So now, sometimes, the sheep get to meet a sheepdog.
My attitude now is "I'm a sheepdog". Not a cop, but a sheepdog. Much more aware and I look at all the sheep like they need protection (and they do). Also, much more mellow (no more 1-finger salutes when I'm driving, for e.g.), willing to let things slide as most of the crap that comes your way is from sheep and they have no idea they're dealing with an armed sheepdog. Easier to just grin and let it slide.

I've noted before that I'm starting to open carry more. So now, sometimes, the sheep get to meet a sheepdog.


Also, I tend to walk further from walls to avoid the embarassing thump of holster on drywall or doorframes.
I was thinking about this question the other day when I took my key chain off my belt loop for the last time because it was in the way of my holster. Like JJFlash said I am more mellow not wanting to escalate anything or draw unwanted attention to myself. I'm new to CWP and have only had my license for about 3 weeks but I think it is a change for the better. God forbid that I would ever have to draw my weapon, but knowing that I am able to protect my family is worth every penny I spent on my classes and license.
I have been carring open on and off for years so carring is not new. But since I started concealed carry I have noticed the type of clothes I choose have changed. Also, I have noticed that I also let a lot of things pass than before. Wife told me she thinks I am just mellowing out.
"y'all" is the term in the Tar Heel, too!

CC makes me think and pay attention more to what is going on around me.
I think it makes me more responsible for my actions (or reactions).

Also, I tend to walk further from walls to avoid the embarassing thump of holster on drywall or doorframes.

I wondered if anyone else did that. I'm constantly thumping against walls and doorframes. I barely fit thru most doorways anyway (I'm pretty wide at 280 lbs). I noticed my business partner looking up one time like "what was THAT?" as I thumped on by. (She figured out pretty fast that it was a weapon; didn't seem to mind at all, lucky me.) Obviously, "stealth" is not one of my attributes!
I wondered if anyone else did that. I'm constantly thumping against walls and doorframes. I barely fit thru most doorways anyway (I'm pretty wide at 280 lbs). I noticed my business partner looking up one time like "what was THAT?" as I thumped on by. (She figured out pretty fast that it was a weapon; didn't seem to mind at all, lucky me.) Obviously, "stealth" is not one of my attributes!

I wondered if anyone else did that. I'm constantly thumping against walls and doorframes. I barely fit thru most doorways anyway (I'm pretty wide at 280 lbs). I noticed my business partner looking up one time like "what was THAT?" as I thumped on by. (She figured out pretty fast that it was a weapon; didn't seem to mind at all, lucky me.) Obviously, "stealth" is not one of my attributes!

:eek: +1 on the wide body part, I usually add a 4 letter whatever in there as well... Hate when I do that...
Since I began carrying I have some of the same effects as before mentioned. I am much more laid back. I pay attention to how I react to situations. I generally feel a lot more safe than without carrying especially in some of the shady areas I go for work.

One of the largest changes it has made for me is I don't really drink anymore. I was always a social drinker before anyway, not a drunk. But because I carry all of the time and drinking + CC = bad, I just don't bother to drink. I still go out into social settings where there is alcohol but I don't imbibe. I just hang out with friends and have a good time.
Im sure it changes most peoples lives when they start to ccw. I got my permit about 20 years ago, about one month after i turned 21, and i have never looked back. And i agree with jjflash about the mindset of being a sheepdog. You're either the wolf, the sheep, or the sheepdog.

Anybody that has chosen to be legally armed has also chosen to be the sheepdog. And with that comes more than just the act of carring a gun. Its a mindset, a maturity, an attitude, and a way of life.

Always carry.
I choose pants with belt loops now,And longer shirts to.
Thats about it I always let things go and watched where I was and such.
There should be a heightened sense of responsibility and awareness of your circumstances as you go about your days concealing something that can change peoples' lives--yours included. I still feel that common sense and thinking about where i am going and what i am doing, before i go there or do that, goes a long way toward minimizing any potential for ccw use. There is always the "what if" and some of you may face difficult situations everyday due to your work situation, but for me as a retired guy, i find it difficult to see a situation that i would put myself or allow myself to fall into that would come close to ccw use. I am not a 24/7 cc but i may carry it in car, where road rage etc seems to me to be the most obvious scenario for a problem--even then my gas pedal works better than my ccw.
Ifeel the sheepdog concept is correct. Once you take the responsability of getting your license you should also take the responsability of stopping a unlawful act from happening. For example the situation a Fort Hood. If you are interested in researching further go to You Tube and see some of the informative clips buy Nutnfancy.
Since I've carried, I have found myself habitually in condition yellow, not wandering around aimlessly in a code white fog. If everyone was tuned in to this alone, crime would probably drop by 50%.
I never drink when carrying (which is most of the time) - that's raised a few eyebrows with friends who know how much I like a good beer. I usually just blow it off as just not wanting any tonight... this generally works and once they get a couple in them no one notices or cares.
I tend to dress around the gun... longer untucked shirts, heavier belt, sport jackets, etc. I'm a little looser casual and a bit more buttoned up formal.
No doorframe issues, never have been in peoples face or overly aggressive but still I find myself just being insouciant (but not a doormat) about most slights, bad drivers, and poor manners. It's not worth causing a ruckus that may escalate; over what, a slightly bruised ego?
All in all - I feel like I have an improved life due to being more alert, not getting all wound up by the actions of others, dressing better (according to my wife), and having the ability to protect myself and others adequately in almost any situation. It is a way of life!
Its been four years for me. At first I was very self aware and worried about printing, brandishing etc etc.I would like to say that it did not effect my attitude but that would not be true. I think you mellow as soon as you conceal. Now its just part of my wardrobe most of the time i forget its there.
My life actually changed more when my wife began to CC.
I'm not as concerned about her becoming a victim; especially when she is with our children. I'm much more at ease when she and the kids have gone somewhere without me.

Another BIG plus is the way it has significantly improved our relationship. Since she has been CC'ing, we have become a much, MUCH better team! ALL parts of our relationship have improved significantly. (25+ years & better than ever!)

I would strongly encourage every "Guy" out there with a significant other to get their wife/girfriend involved in the CC revolution. My wife did NOT like firearms until she to a CWP class. NOW she is an NRA RSO and takes as many advanced firearm defense classes as she can.

I'm a truly "Blessed" man!
My life actually changed more when my wife began to CC.
I'm not as concerned about her becoming a victim; especially when she is with our children. I'm much more at ease when she and the kids have gone somewhere without me.

Another BIG plus is the way it has significantly improved our relationship. Since she has been CC'ing, we have become a much, MUCH better team! ALL parts of our relationship have improved significantly. (25+ years & better than ever!)

I would strongly encourage every "Guy" out there with a significant other to get their wife/girfriend involved in the CC revolution. My wife did NOT like firearms until she to a CWP class. NOW she is an NRA RSO and takes as many advanced firearm defense classes as she can.

I'm a truly "Blessed" man!

I agree! My girlfriend of the last 12 years (yeah i know, i should prolly be married by now:rolleyes:) also has her state carry permit. I too feel better knowing that when she is with the kids she can defend herself and the family when im not around. Its calming.

And when we all go out of town its nice to have another set of eyes, with a gun, scanning the scene.

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