Question about electronic prints in Hillsborough County Florida


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My wife is going for her Florida Concealed Weapon License on Saturday May 31.

When I applied for my CWL, I was not informed that the wait time for the application can be reduced significantly if you have your fingerprints done electronically.

I called my local District III Hillsborough County Sheriff Department and inquired about getting her prints done electronically, they advised they still do them with ink there.

I called the Headquarters of the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department and was advised they do not do that, and that I should call the School Board. Huh? :blink:

Can anyone from Hillsborough County Florida please advise me where my wife can get her fingerprints done electronically for her CWL?


I called the Headquarters of the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department and was advised they do not do that, and that I should call the School Board. Huh? :blink:
The schools probably print their employees before hiring to make sure they're not rapists, so they probably invested in the equipment. It seems bizarre though that they would refer you to them.
I posted earlier, don't know what happened to my post :(

This link will tell you all of the places using the "Live Scan" system to take fingerprints for FL CWP applicants:

Looks like the nearest place to you would be the "Tampa Police Department" at: 411 N. Franklin St. Phone: 813.276.3360

I got my permit back in '05. Had my finger prints "scanned" by the Sheriff's Dept. Got my permit in 3 weeks.

I don't know how things are in Florida, but here in Vegas the schools have their own police department. CCSD employees are fingerprinted without charge when necessary by the CCSD Police.

All teachers and most other employees must have a background check everywhere in the US I know of.

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