Q about reloaded ammo?


New member
Okay I took my CWP class and the subject came up about reloaded ammo. I was shocked to find out that if you shoot an attacker with reloaded ammo you can be charged with premeditation. I think that this is very stupid. I don't know much about reloads, how would they know it was a reload?
Yea, I've always been told to use a manufacturers ammo in your carry gun.
It's all about the modern day mentality of the "bad guy as a victim," and the knowledge that a prosecuting attorney will do any and everything within their power to make you look like the big, bad, bloodthirsty gun owner, who was just waiting for an opportunity to shoot someone - anyone.

If you use reloads, it gives a prosecuting attorney room to say you worked up a special "hot" load, even if you were to shoot the BG with a FMJ round nose round, and loaded at the lower end of the performance spectrum for the given caliber of weapon you were using. At least, using mass produced ammunition gives your attorney the wiggle room to say something like "My client selected this round because it is used by many Law Enforcement agencies," or something like that.

To nutshell it: Using mass produced ammo gives the prosecuting attorney less room to accuse you of bloodthirstiness,and you more room to proclaim your innocence.
so I guess if we start doing reloads I should just use them for range use.
I don't want to sound stupid, but what are BG and FMJ. I am very new to the firearms world, so please explain.
Not a problem, whatsoever, happy to explain:biggrin:

BG = Bad Guy
FMJ = Full Metal Jacket (Round nose) - a round (at least in a handgun) usually just used for target practice at the range, as it is designed for penetration, rather than expansion - as opposed to hollowpoints and similar rounds, which are generally used for Self Defense, which are more geared for expansion. (This is a gross simplification, but for the sake of the subject at hand, I hope explanation enough.)
This question comes up a lot and I'll see it slightly different. I do reload defensive ammo for my carry pistol. I understand the point everyone comes from about that being used against me if I ever have to go to court. I've look to see if I could find a case were someone was found guilty just because he was carrying reloads and have not found one. There are several reasons that I hand load carry ammo and feel that if it ever came down to it I could defend my choice in court.

Some points
- Mine are more accurate then factory ammo deducing the chance of a flyer
- Mine our loaded UNDER the velocity of +P +P+ ammo from the factory
- I've had factory ammo with primers seated upside down, case mouths crushed, ect. I can inspect every step as I load to make sure its going to feed, go bang, and eject when my life counts on it.
- Biggest is I can load 100 rounds for the price of 25 factory rounds. Which means I can practice more with the ammo I carry. Which is a big one for me.
-Last, I load Remington Golden Saber in Remington nickel plated cases so if they can look at them and tell they are hand loads they are REALLY good!

Now I would not carry anyone else’s reloads. Maybe I'll post a pic when I get home and see if you guys can pick out the reload.
Check out this thread on CC and reloads. http://www.usacarry.com/forums/hand...g/1496-i-reload-practice-competition-but.html I always advised against carrying reloads in a CC firearm but changed my mind about it. I wouldn't hesitate using them now and I agree with KimberPB completely. No case has ever been filed because of the use of reloads. One case that keeps getting thrown in the mix is a person in , I believe, Nevada prosecuted for using a 10mm auto not reloads in a shooting. As far as I know know FL doesn't have a law against carrying reloads and the statement by your instructor, "if you shoot an attacker with reloaded ammo you can be charged with premeditation" sounds like another instructor making up stuff to incorporate their own beliefs. All I can say is do your research and make a determination on whether to use reloads or not.
thanks everyone this helps a lot
next question is it cheaper to do reloads I know with the ammo shortage it would be easier to do your own so you're not waiting on the next shipment at Wal-mart or some where else
or is there any good ammo websites?
thanks everyone this helps a lot
next question is it cheaper to do reloads I know with the ammo shortage it would be easier to do your own so you're not waiting on the next shipment at Wal-mart or some where else
or is there any good ammo websites?

Yes and no. Yes its cheaper per round to reload over buying factory (as long as you have brass) but what I find is I end up shooting a lot more. So you end up spending the same just shooting a lot more.

The problem right now is just like factory ammo getting the powder, primers, and bullets is hit or miss. They are getting bought up just as fast as factory ammo. I've been looking for some jacketed 230 gr .45 acp bullets for two days now and can not find a site that has any in stock.
Okay I took my CWP class and the subject came up about reloaded ammo. I was shocked to find out that if you shoot an attacker with reloaded ammo you can be charged with premeditation. I think that this is very stupid. I don't know much about reloads, how would they know it was a reload?

This is a old wives tale as far as I have been able to determine, an urban myth. I have not been able to find one court case or even arrest that states about reloaded ammo

Yea, I've always been told to use a manufacturers ammo in your carry gun.

By who?