PT145 Mil-Pro Sight Mod


New member
At the suggestion of another forum member I am posting my mod to the sights on the Taurus PT145 Millenium Pro (dovetail sight). I was forever having trouble shooting with the Heine sights. I purchased a set of aftermarket Williams Firesights hoping to shoot POA. No luck, the sights were the same height as the originals that force you to obscure the target with the front sight.

The fix with the Williams sights is easy:
1- pull the fiber optic from the sight post, the ends are melted to hold them in so just use a knife to trim the end and push the fiber optic out
2- find a suitable size drill bit (approx 5/64) and drill a hole directly under the original fiber optic hole all the way through the sight (including the set screw hole)
3- Use a hand file to remove material between the original fiber optic supports until you expose the hole you just drilled to allow light to hit the fiber when you insert it.
4- You will need to file or snip off the set screw hole (you drilled through it anyway) to allow light to hit the muzzle end of the fiber optic. Snip and file off the original fiber support holes. Leave some material and test fire if unsure here.
5- Test fit the fiber and finish file to suit. This will put the POA-POI on top of the front sight post when the 3 dots line up.

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Ok, not to start a pissing contest here but I would not suggest doing this untill you know what load you are going to use in the weapon for carry and then make a determination on what to do with the front sight. Rounds will hit at a diffrent point of impact depending on speed and weight of the projectile. If you ain't sure speak with someone that know's what they are doing AND MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION.
Shooting low

Ok, not to start a pissing contest here but I would not suggest doing this untill you know what load you are going to use in the weapon for carry and then make a determination on what to do with the front sight. Rounds will hit at a diffrent point of impact depending on speed and weight of the projectile. If you ain't sure speak with someone that know's what they are doing AND MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION.

Bill, this mod is specifically for the Taurus with the Heine sights. If you are used to shooting with standard sights the Heine sights will shoot EVERY load low. This problem has been a consistent complaint on the taurus across alot of gun forums.
You are correct that different loads will shoot to different POI, but this mod fixed MY POA for 185gr Speer, 230gr Win SXT and 230gr Hydrashok out to 7yds with this 3" barrel 45 shooting from a rest. I have yet to test it at longer distances.
Thanks Jes... I'm sure when my Williams sights arrive in a few weeks time I'll have some questions. Do you think similar mods could be done to the factory Heine sights?
On my Wifes pt140 it shoots about 24" low at 40'. According to a friend the Taurus PT1911 uses the same dovetails as the pt140 and pt24/7. I am ordering the 1911 rear site with is about 2 times as tall and then the firesight front and that should give us a 6:00 sight picture

Thanks Jes... I'm sure when my Williams sights arrive in a few weeks time I'll have some questions. Do you think similar mods could be done to the factory Heine sights?

Yes you can just grind down the factory Heine just to the bottom of the front white dot. I did it, that is how I knew the Williams firesight mod would work out.

Rockwerks... let us know how that rear sight works. Maybe they make tritium sights for the 24/7 and 1911.

I think there must have been a change in how the Williams sights mount, because mine has a screw where you've drilled your new tube mount to keep tension to keep the sight from sliding out of the dovetail. So this won't work.

That said, I did discover that shooting with two hands tends to pull my shots about 10" low at 7 yards, but when I shoot with just my right hand, I can drill it in there just fine. Strange eh? I'm thinking the gun shoots low on point, and that I just zing em high with the right hand only. Hopefully a solution will eventually present itself.

I think there must have been a change in how the Williams sights mount, because mine has a screw where you've drilled your new tube mount to keep tension to keep the sight from sliding out of the dovetail. So this won't work.

That said, I did discover that shooting with two hands tends to pull my shots about 10" low at 7 yards, but when I shoot with just my right hand, I can drill it in there just fine. Strange eh? I'm thinking the gun shoots low on point, and that I just zing em high with the right hand only. Hopefully a solution will eventually present itself.

Mine had the screw that went down in front of the sight to hold the dovetail. I just cut it off. You can "stipple the aluminum under the dovetail to make it nice and tight or you can use a punch and ping the corners of the sight dovetail after you have it in place to hold it in the dovetail.

The oldtimers never used screws to hold in a dovetail.

Edit: looks like you missed a couple steps in my first post
2- find a suitable size drill bit (approx 5/64) and drill a hole directly under the original fiber optic hole all the way through the sight (including the set screw hole)
3- Use a hand file to remove material between the original fiber optic supports until you expose the hole you just drilled to allow light to hit the fiber when you insert it.
4- You will need to file or snip off the set screw hole (you drilled through it anyway) to allow light to hit the muzzle end of the fiber optic. Snip and file off the original fiber support holes. Leave some material and test fire if unsure here.
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