Prospective P.O needs advice


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Hi guys,

I was recently rejected from my dream department. One of the biggest reasons this happened was because I carry my firearm at work (concealed of course). My job has a no weapons policy (even though everyone seems to have a pocket knife). They said this was a big deal because if I break that rule, then what will I break when I'm a cop?

This department is the top in the state so the standards are pretty high, but is this a big deal? Should I stop carrying if I want to get into a department? I need some help because I don't want to stop carrying to be honest, but I will if it's going to be a huge issue.

Also, this department in question doesn't have an oral board interview. Instead they have an assistant chief's interview which consisted only of questions about my past. Examples: have you ever committed a crime, have you ever taken illegal medications, have you ever stolen anything, etc... They never really got to know me. I didn't expect them to ask what my perfect date was, but I expected them to get to know me more than they did. I was judged soley on what i've done in my past. I felt like I started at zero and could only go down. I really didn't have much to gain other than a quick list of things I was skilled in.

Should I expect this in an oral board interview too? Will I even have a chance to gain a few points? I'm from CT in case anyone is wondering. I'm going to post this in the CT forum as well.
Hi guys,

I was recently rejected from my dream department. One of the biggest reasons this happened was because I carry my firearm at work (concealed of course). My job has a no weapons policy (even though everyone seems to have a pocket knife). They said this was a big deal because if I break that rule, then what will I break when I'm a cop?

This department is the top in the state so the standards are pretty high, but is this a big deal? Should I stop carrying if I want to get into a department? I need some help because I don't want to stop carrying to be honest, but I will if it's going to be a huge issue.

Also, this department in question doesn't have an oral board interview. Instead they have an assistant chief's interview which consisted only of questions about my past. Examples: have you ever committed a crime, have you ever taken illegal medications, have you ever stolen anything, etc... They never really got to know me. I didn't expect them to ask what my perfect date was, but I expected them to get to know me more than they did. I was judged soley on what i've done in my past. I felt like I started at zero and could only go down. I really didn't have much to gain other than a quick list of things I was skilled in.

Should I expect this in an oral board interview too? Will I even have a chance to gain a few points? I'm from CT in case anyone is wondering. I'm going to post this in the CT forum as well.

Everything you mentioned is standard and routine for most LE agencies around the country. With most, it doesn't matter who you are now... what matters is what kind of track record you have. The main thing being looked at is your credibility... are you honest. Next they want to see (if any) your criminal record to see if there is a pattern. And believe me anything you did as a junvenile or young adult will follow you the rest of your life. I take it you were terminated from the job where you were carrying a concealed firearm? If so, be completely honest. It is going to be tough to get around the firing incident if that is the case. How long ago did this take place?

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