New Mexico has made some welcome advances in the CCW statutes. Now we need to make apparent to our senators & representatives what we feel are necessary and reasonable changes to the existing statutes. The next legislative session where we can expect any changes, will be January of 2009, as 2008 is a 30 day session reserved for financial considerations only (with exceptions by the [where is he?] governor). I'm in contact with both my senator & representative, and they are "on our side", so to speak. I know that 2009 seems a long way off, but the internal wrangling, legal staff research, and the writing and re-writing of proposed legislation is very time consuming. Floating ideas to be put together into solid, reasonable and useful proposals can begin as soon as one wishes. I'm looking for the input of other CCW'ers, to see what ideas float to the top. I might suggest that each person interested in their state government operation, make an effort to personally contact their senator and representative, to learn where they stand on the issues important to you. If their concerns are opposed to yours, you will need to try and educate them, if possible - remember, they are supposed to be representing you in the state government - hold them to it!