Process Question


New member
I live in Michigan and just bought my first handgun (Beretta 90-Two). I have been researching getting my CCW and saw that I did not have to get a purchase permit to buy a handgun if I had a CCW. Let me back up a bit, in order to get the handgun, here is what I had to do:

1) Go to the local police department
a. Take a quiz and pass
b. Fill out paperwork
2) Get the paperwork noterized
3) Take the paperwork to the store
a. Fill out more paperwork
b. Store fills out paperwork
c. Buy gun and leave (with paperwork)
4) Take gun and paperwork to poice department
a. Police officer inspects gun and signs paperwork

So, when I get my CCW, do I just go straight to step 3.a? What about the paperwork that I brought and they signed?

I could not find step by step instructions on how to buy a handgun with a CCW. Very curious as it would make life a lot easier to buy a handgun say if you were are out and about and run across a good deal.

Any info would be helpful!

thanks again for helping out a new gun enthusiast. :)
Hmmmm..dunno about how it's done way up there in MI...but just to give you an idea on how it is done here in Arkansas and probably a few other states, I will list below in two catagories, With Conceal Permit and without permit.

With permit
1. pick out gun
2. Show drivers license and permit
3. fill out paperwork
4. pay for gun
5. walk out the door w/gun

Without permit
1. same as above
2. same as above
3. same as above
4. Dealer calls in your information
5. If you are okay'd, proceed to #6, if denied, you way a few days before proceeding.
6. pay for gun
7. walk out the door w/gun

it's really pretty simple down here..good luck!
In TN the permit doesn't help any in purchasing a new gun. You walk into a store, pick it out, fill out paperwork, store calls in paperwork for NCIS check, you pay for it and leave. Usually takes about 15 minutes.
In Colorado, you don't need a permit; so the process is even simpler:

1. Pick out gun(s).
2. Show driver's license.
3. Fill out paperwork.
4. Dealer calls in your information.
5. If approved, pay for gun(s).
6. Walk out the door with gun(s).

If you want to carry in your car, it's OK. - No permit required.
If you want to carry concealed, take a one-day NRA basic pistol class, take a copy of your class certificate to your local sheriff's office and apply for a carry permit. Sheriff must issue a carry permit within 90 days if you have no criminal record.
Please post what you learn. My son was traveling from Colorado to Florida and got a ticket for having gun in car. Ok to have gun just unloaded and seprate from each other. 65 dollar ticket.
I live in Michigan and just bought my first handgun (Beretta 90-Two). I have been researching getting my CCW and saw that I did not have to get a purchase permit to buy a handgun if I had a CCW. Let me back up a bit, in order to get the handgun, here is what I had to do:

1) Go to the local police department
a. Take a quiz and pass
b. Fill out paperwork
2) Get the paperwork noterized
3) Take the paperwork to the store
a. Fill out more paperwork
b. Store fills out paperwork
c. Buy gun and leave (with paperwork)
4) Take gun and paperwork to poice department
a. Police officer inspects gun and signs paperwork

So, when I get my CCW, do I just go straight to step 3.a? What about the paperwork that I brought and they signed?

I could not find step by step instructions on how to buy a handgun with a CCW. Very curious as it would make life a lot easier to buy a handgun say if you were are out and about and run across a good deal.

Any info would be helpful!

thanks again for helping out a new gun enthusiast. :)

I have a CPL in Michigan and as long as you have a newer permit (most are now) you are correct you do not need to get a purchase permit prior to buying a handgun.

Using the store as the example, you will fill out the NICS paperwork (at the store) and purchase your gun. Then you need to take it to your local police for a "safety inspection" (gotta love this). Once inspected, you are done. I don't think there was a fee for my inspections, but if there was it was a couple of bucks at worst. A couple of times the inspections have been by officers, but most are by the clerk behind the counter.

The only pain in the process is that I have to head to the county sheriffs office for my "safety inspection" and that is about 35 minutes from my place....
Some states have additional requirements?

1. Be a politician or be Rich, or be a celebrity.

2. Unless you meet rule 1. fagidaboutit
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Other then not having reciprocity with any states, Vermont is the best.

1. Go to FFL dealer and fill out paperwork.
2. Show your drivers license.
3. FFL calls for background check that takes on average under 2 minutes for me.
4. Dealer gives you firearm, you load it, put it in a holster, and walk out of his house.

Got to love Vermont.
I had heard this about Vermont,and even did a little bit of research on it.Unless it has succumbed to the debilitating and ultimately fatal disease of gungrabbingliberalism,Vermont has some of,if not THE most lax gun control laws in the country.Not surprising(at least to me) in 2005-2006 Vermont had one of,if not THE lowest violent crime rate per capita in the country.
My kudos to Vermont.I hope they don't change.If Vermont was here in the south where it's warm,I would move there.
As far as reciprocity,how can you have reciprocity of CHL if you don'r require people to have one?
Yep,gotta love Vermont.
That's The One Downfall To Vermomt, If You Travel Outside The State And Want To Carry You Have To Get A Ccw From Another State
5.56 Spartan is correct, I beleave it depends in the county you are in if there is a fee for the safety inspection, mine there is not and a officer does the inspection. there are times and differant days they do it.
Nevada is like a few that have already been posted.

1. Pick out gun.
2. Show driver's license and CCW permit
3. Fill out paperwork.
4. Pay for gun.
5. Leave with gun.

The CCW permit bypasses the requirement to call in your information, which saves $25 each purchase.

If you wanted to, in step 5, you could leave with gun, ammo and liquor. We actually have a few combination gun/liquor stores.
For folks who think it's a "pain" to buy an gun, check out the process here in Hawaii. You'll probably think your process is simple compared to what we have to go through.

In order to be "eligible" to purchase a handgun, one must first complete some type of firearms training. The law says that military commanders can write a letter stating that an individual is "qualified" to handle firearms. From the number of military folks taking my NRA classes, I don't think this happens very frequently. :( Another option is to take the state Hunter Education course (free of charge), a class held by any law enforcement agency (fat chance) or any national club or organization. Most folks take our NRA "Basic Pistol" or "First Steps" course to satisfy the requirement. Once you have your Hunter Education card or an affidavit (yes I did say affidavit) from the instructor that taught the NRA course, an individual can head to the gun store to pick out a handgun. Once the gun is purchased, the gun dealer will provide a receipt that has the description of the handgun. (barrel length, caliber, type of action, etc.) The individual takes the receipt to the designated police station and applies for a permit to acquire the firearm (must done for each purchase unless purchasing up to 4 firearms at one time). There is a mandatory 14 day waiting period AND the permit must be picked up within 6 days of the end of the waiting period. If the permit is not picked up on time, then it is destroyed and the process must be started from the beginning. Once the permit to acquire is received by the individual, then they must return to the gun store ti pick up the handgun. Once the firearm is in the possession of the individual, they must return to the police station to register the firearm.

It's a very long and complicated process. Funny thing is that most criminals still manage to get their hands on firearms. :confused:

If you ever think that your process is a hassle, be glad you don't live here in Hawaii. :mad:
