New member
I have been doing some research on the maximum state reciprocity that I can acquire. The problem is that there are a handful of states that only recognize resident permits so even if I obtain a permit that many states recognize (such as Florida or Utah) there are a whole handful of state that will not recognize those permits because I am not a resident of those states. In my research I began to look into armed private security licensing. I do not totally know how this works from state to state, but it appears that if you have a private security license you can conceal carry in more places and are in some cases treated almost as military and law enforcement. From what I have found, any law abiding citizen with a clean record can obtain a private security license with the proper class training. What I am wondering is if there is a way through the private security licensing route to make sure that I can legally carry in some of these other states without accidentally becoming a felon. I travel frequently (in all 50 states) because of my job in which I own my own company. Could I designate myself as my own company's security leader and be "on duty" while traveling for work and be able to carry almost everywhere? Also, does having a private security license or a private investigator license work to your benefit in court if you ever have to defend yourself after a lethal encounter? Basically, if obtaining a private security license brings any benefit in court or in my ability to carry legally, it may be worth it to me to acquire the license. I am sure the extra training wouldn't hurt either. Does anyone have any knowledge about this stuff? After all there are private security firms like Xe (formerly Blackwater) that have full automatic weapons and seem to carry wherever and whenever they want to or need to. I know some of the big firms are in bed with the government, but how far down do these "rights" trickle down to the smaller security and body guard operations?