Precision Tactical Shooting Seminar, GCL in Rochester

Precision Tactical Shooting
Presented by: Kevin Mussack and Curt Drewel

Sponsored in part by Rochester Personal Defense, LLC.,, and NY

Date: Thursday, December 10, 6:30 to 9pm
Location: The Genesee Conservation League lecture room, 1570 Old Penfield Rd, Penfield, NY
Cost: FREE and open to anyone to attend

What is precision tactical shooting? What equipment do you need in order to participate? How do you get training and practice for this sport? Where are there competitions? What calibers and platforms are the best to use? What scope is best? How do I get involved?

This presentation will answer all of those questions and more. Both Kevin Mussack and Curt Drewel are highly experienced shooters and instructors for this very sport and we are lucky enough to have them both, together in the same room, for this highly informational seminar.

In addition to being a participant in many of the pistol events here at GCL, Kevin Mussack spent 19 years in the US Army (Major), is a licensed pilot, a SCUBA diver, NRA Life Member, and a certified NRA Instructor. He attended the National SWAT Sniper Symposium in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, where he presented seminars on “Counter Sniper Technology”. He has also been to Storm Mountain in WV for many classes and instruction and has a long list of other training he has participated in! (much more than we can fit here)

Curt Drewel is also a SCUBA diver, a NYS Bow Hunting Instructor, spent many years in the US Marine Corp ina Sniper/Scout Platoon, and taught their Marksmanship program at Stone Bay Camp Lejune in North Carolina. He has competed in “Special High Angle Rifle” at Thunder Ranch, The Snipers Hide Cup in Texas, and the Allegany Snipers Challenge in WV.

These two Subject Matter Experts are bringing you a lot of information about the what, why, how and where in regards to the sport of Precision Tactical Shooting. We’ve all seen the movies and read the stories about it, now come listen and talk to a couple of the guys that do it.

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