powder for 45acp reloads


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Any insight appreciated.

Seems that people are passionate about Bullseye, Unique, Winchester231, HodgdonHS6.

someone just said to buy 1#'ers and try them out, which seems like good advice.

But, OTOH, I know there are alot of smart people out here, wondering what your preference is and why?
I use Accurate #2 for my practice loads. It meters consistantly out of my powder pour and a double charge almost fills the case, making it easy to spot. With a little tweaking of the powder charge and 230gr swagged lead rounds it held a nice group also.

I guess the big thing is what your going to do with it. If you shot bullseye, ect then you may end up trying different bands to see what shots the most accurate out of your firearm.
I'm using Accurate #5 in 9mm and 45ACP. No complaints and like Kimber said, a double load will fill or overflow the case making it easy to spot.
I'm using Accurate #5 in 9mm and 45ACP. No complaints and like Kimber said, a double load will fill or overflow the case making it easy to spot.

Yep I use accurate #5 when I'm loading 9mm or .45 hollow points. It also meters consistantly and shots well also.
I have found that any powder that is usable in a handgun cartridge is just fine for self defense practice. Now if your loading for "Bullseye" competition you will want to experiment to find the most accurate loading. I normally buy Titegroup as it is the least expensive and works very well in all my calibers, But if I can pick up a good buy at a gun show or elsewhere, I don't care what it is as long as it is designed for my purpose. Just before Christmas I bought 35 lbs. of various powders at a store closeout for $6.50 a lb. It all goes bang. I also got 25000 primers at $13.00 per 1000. Good buys are out there if you look for them.
Accurate #5 is a good powder.

However, I have migrated over to Titegroup over the past two years or so. I also use some Bullseye for the .45

I like Titegroup because I can use it in both .45ACP and .44 Mag.

The one good thing about Accurate #5, as mentioned above, double charges will overflow the case. This is not true with most other appropriate .45 ACP powders that I have used.
I switched to Bullseye for 9mm and 45ACP. My local supplier ran out of #5. Thier distributor is out as well. I waited 3 weeks before switching. I hope powder supply doesn't dry up.

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