Post Your Spread!


Staff member
Since I added the M4 to the list today I thought I'd take a new spread pic. If you have one post it here. And in case you didn't know, you can upload your pictures to our gallery by Link Removed.

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From top left:
Glock 23
Beretta 90-two .40
Taurus PT140
Beretta Tomcat .32
Bushmaster Patrolman M4
Cold Steel Recon 1
Leatherman Wave Black Oxide
Mossberg 500
Yea, can you tell I like black? :icon_cheesygrin:

And now I have to update that picture. The Taurus is gone and there's aGlock G26 in its place.
Nice looking spread Luke! One day when I have a few hours to kill I'll take a pic of my handguns. I'll have to do my long guns later. :icon_wink:
Nice collection Luke! How do you like your Mossberg? I think that's going to be my next purchase.

Here is a few pics of my collection:

My Kimber Ultra Carry II and my Kel Tec P3AT

My Sig P225/P6 9mm

My custom built AR15 (still need to pic up an aimpoint for it)

My Mossin M44

I also have a New England firearms single shot 20 gauge but don't have any pics of that right now.
I like my Mossberg. I got it on the spur of the moment after I bought my first pistol. I didn't know much about what I was looking for or wanted. I haven't shot it since I added the stock but would like to soon.
My toys

Here are some of my toys. Some of them I have had for some time. As I have been into guns most of my life.
I'm not into the black guns much. Closest I have is a mini14 & an SKS but no pics of either. Hope these pics suffice.:icon_wink:









Here are some of my toys. Some of them I have had for some time. As I have been into guns most of my life.

Don't forget to update the will with the new additions. You know just want to make sure the right Son ends up with the collections!
Tin Nice, Is that an old H&R 32 in the last pic.

Yes Sir, it sure is. The others a Forehand & Wadsworth 32.
My father in laws family lived in Bridgeport CT & some were police around the turn of the century. I found both those revolvers & the Colt 03 in the fourth pic in his basement. The two revolvers are pretty beat, they look to have seen alot of black powder. The Colt however is in fine shape & I shoot it often.

A nice coincidence about the revolvers is that both companies were aquired by Marlin & I collect Marlin lever guns.:icon_wink:
Marlins are nice. I had a lot of the old H&Rs at one time but all I got left is that old model 649 22cal. It is a nice shooter. I like the old school stuff.
Marlins are nice. I had a lot of the old H&Rs at one time but all I got left is that old model 649 22cal. It is a nice shooter. I like the old school stuff.

I'm kinda just starting to aquire a few more handguns. I had that accutek thing & the 03 forever but the S&W & Beretta are new to me this past year.
I need a rimfire & centerfire revolver for sure but likely will end up with a couple of each. Not new but whatever catches myeye when I have some money.

I'v got 2 boys 11 & 9 that want to shoot more handgun. They been shooting since they were 4 respectively but mostly long guns because thats what I have.

Here they are with their 22's,
My mountain expeditionary force!:icon_cheesygrin:

The Walther P22 and the Sig mosquito are both nice 22's for a decent price. I've been thinking of picking up a P22 5 inch with a silencer
My spreaqd


Colt .38 Police Positive
S&W Mdl. 66 357 Mag.
XD 45 compact
Browning Hi-Power
Taurus PT-111 Mill Pro 9mm
Winchester Model70 300Mag
Remington Mdl 870 Wingmaster
Superior Arms M4 Carbine
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