Post Pics of your Bikes!


New member
Someone else in another tread was talking about their bikes. So I figured I'd start a thread for everyone to show of their rides! Here's my old CBR, my current 02 R1 (my baby), and me goofing off on my 50. Hope you all enjoy.






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you could probably get away with fab'n up a mount for sure..but can you get away with it in public? not so sure...this pic was taken in Ft Worth at Perry's Side Cars and he had two of these in his shop..they are so cool to see..and I even got to sit on em!
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you could probably get away with fab'n up a mount for sure..but can you get away with it in public? not so sure...this pic was taken in Ft Worth at Perry's Side Cars and he had two of these in his shop..they are so cool to see..and I even got to sit on em!
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Very nice bikes!

You're probably right. I get harrassed enough on the R1 without a gun mounted to it! Oh well!
Why? What's wrong w/ a nice, hand crafted Kona? I looked at them years ago before I decided on my Scott ( $$$$ )

I was thinking more along the lines of motorcycles but hey motorcycle/bicycle they both have 2 wheels so its all good!

Keep the pics coming!
My first love is Off Road..I grew up on dirt bikes..started riding when I was 8...use to race motocross, desert hare and hounds etc..even have me a scar on my right arm from a crash during the 1970 Barstow to Vegas race..I still love the dirt and below is my current dirt bike, Honda XR 400 punched out to 440cc...lots of grunt and will get you where you want to go..also have a KTM 540 2-stroke..not a very good trail bike, more of an open desert machine and a OMG HANG ON kinda thing.
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Ektarr's Sled

This is it...

Except I changed the horn cover. Got this one for Father's Day a coupl'a years ago...

96-inches, 203 cams, race tuner, Thunderheader pipes...many skulls, much chrome.
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