Possible ??


Retired, NRA Life member
Just watching the Glenn Beck program. He just stated that he had 3 sources that stated that the White House (Rob Emanual) has threatened one of the Nebraska Senators with putting Offut AFB on the list to be mothballed. This was because the Democrat Senator, Ben Nelson, was not going to vote for the health care bill. Chicago style politics. :mad: What the H**L are they playing with our NATIONAL DEFENSE for???? So when are we going to march on Washington D.C. again....
Sure it's possible. This administration seems to be willing to go to great lengths to get what they want. I keep reminding my representative about my feelings on issues, and reminding them about who employs them. I don't think they care!
Strong arming states into compliance with federal mandates isn't new, just more blatant now. Usually when a state doesn't want to comply the feds just withhold funding. An example was the 55 mph speed limit some years ago. It doesn't surprise me that the current administration would use threats to try and get what they want.
Just so everyone is aware, Offut AFB is responsible for our strategic nuclear forces, both planning and during wartime. Yep, the bastard is going to totally disrupt our Nuclear Weapons and Forces so he can shove HEALTHCARE down our throats. This is also the place where Pres Bush went during the 9-11 attacks. It also houses the largest weather station in the world, as well as the DOD finance dept. This guy is a TRAITOR
One thing to remember is the president can not, on his own, shut a base down. It must go through a congressional vote such as a BRAC (base realignment and closing). Hopefully they would understand this would be a career killer to do something so drastic. I believe the only ones that would actually support it would be far left liberals. I don't think there's enough of those to actually make it happen. But I could be wrong.
Sure it's possible. This administration seems to be willing to go to great lengths to get what they want. I keep reminding my representative about my feelings on issues, and reminding them about who employs them. I don't think they care!

Just sent e-mails to my Senate "representatives" reminding them of the Constitution. No boilerplate answers yet. I guess their e-mail mailboxes are getting full. Geeze, one is a lawyer and the other was a comedian. What did I do to get these two "representing" me in Congress (I certainly didn't vote for them!).
Just sent e-mails to my Senate "representatives" reminding them of the Constitution. No boilerplate answers yet. I guess their e-mail mailboxes are getting full. Geeze, one is a lawyer and the other was a comedian. What did I do to get these two "representing" me in Congress (I certainly didn't vote for them!).

my reps could care less too. good people need to start standing up and being bold. or this country will be no more.
Just got this boilerplate message from one of my Senators.

Thank you for your recent message to my U.S. Senate office. Each week, several thousand Minnesotans send me their thoughts and suggestions on legislation and important issues facing our nation. This impressive volume is a testament to the Minnesotan traditions of grassroots activism and civic participation that distinguish our state.

In recent months Minnesotans have contacted my office to share their views on the economic recovery bill, health care, education, and numerous other policy issues. I appreciate hearing from each one of you because understanding your views helps me better represent all of my constituents. I closely track the concerns that are expressed in your letters and emails, and will answer them as soon as possible.

My Minnesota staff is also available to handle specific services related to the federal government (such as trouble with passport applications, claims for veterans' benefits, or citizenship matters). If you are ever in Washington, D.C., I invite you to attend my weekly constituent breakfast every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET, when the Senate is in session. You can also ask my staff to arrange a tour of the Capitol. For assistance, please go to my web site Link Removed or call my Minnesota office at (651) 221-1016 or Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-5641.

Thanks again for writing and I look forward to continuing our conversation.
Just got this boilerplate message from one of my Senators.

Thank you for your recent message to my U.S. Senate office. Each week, several thousand Minnesotans send me their thoughts and suggestions on legislation and important issues facing our nation. This impressive volume is a testament to the Minnesotan traditions of grassroots activism and civic participation that distinguish our state.

In recent months Minnesotans have contacted my office to share their views on the economic recovery bill, health care, education, and numerous other policy issues. I appreciate hearing from each one of you because understanding your views helps me better represent all of my constituents. I closely track the concerns that are expressed in your letters and emails, and will answer them as soon as possible.

My Minnesota staff is also available to handle specific services related to the federal government (such as trouble with passport applications, claims for veterans' benefits, or citizenship matters). If you are ever in Washington, D.C., I invite you to attend my weekly constituent breakfast every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET, when the Senate is in session. You can also ask my staff to arrange a tour of the Capitol. For assistance, please go to my web site Link Removed or call my Minnesota office at (651) 221-1016 or Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-5641.

Thanks again for writing and I look forward to continuing our conversation.

I get the middle finger all the time...

"Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts and opinions. Since taking office, I have received an overwhelming number of calls and emails from North Carolinians like you who are ready to take an active part in our government. I appreciate each and every call and email. With our country facing some of its toughest challenges in a generation, your phone calls and messages are an important factor guiding my work here in Washington. Please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your specific concern.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my website with you. Please visit Link Removed to find contact information for my offices and to stay updated as my new state offices open. You can also find information there about what I've been doing in North Carolina and Washington. It is an honor to serve as your United States Senator and I sincerely hope you will not hesitate to contact me at any time to share your concerns and voice your opinions on our country's most pressing issues.


Kay R. Hagan
United States Senator, North Carolina"

Same can response no matter the issue.

I get the middle finger all the time...

"Dear Friend,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts and opinions. Since taking office, I have received an overwhelming number of calls and emails from North Carolinians like you who are ready to take an active part in our government. I appreciate each and every call and email. With our country facing some of its toughest challenges in a generation, your phone calls and messages are an important factor guiding my work here in Washington. Please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your specific concern.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my website with you. Please visit Link Removed to find contact information for my offices and to stay updated as my new state offices open. You can also find information there about what I've been doing in North Carolina and Washington. It is an honor to serve as your United States Senator and I sincerely hope you will not hesitate to contact me at any time to share your concerns and voice your opinions on our country's most pressing issues.


Kay R. Hagan
United States Senator, North Carolina"

Same can response no matter the issue.
yeh sen's. lincoln and pryor won't even return my calls anymore, i guess i call too much!:mad:

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