Possible change in the MO round count for CCW?

Sue Lange

New member
I recently fired off5 letters to various MO state legislaters: my district rep, my senator, the gov, the lt. gov, and the Aty Gen about the round count and the implications owing to the shortage of ammo. No one can get 140 rounds at a time let alone 140 rounds to spend on a class instead of in actual self defense. And in as much as MO doesn't require any training to buy a gun, the implication is we have a bunch of untrained people, people whose actions could unwittingly add fuel to the fire for more gun-control.

I pointed out to these 5 people that a good many one day (all day shooting) tactical classes might not exceed 200 or so rounds, so 140 for a CCW that runs 8 hours, the majority of which is lecture, was ludicrous at best, but particularly so when no one can get ammo, at least not that much.

I heard back from my senator and my rep, both with not much useful information. But I also heard back from Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder who said that the legislature was discussing it and hoped to have some changes in place "by the end of next month". I got the letter at the end of April so that would mean maybe as soon as the end of May. He mentioned that the changes were being spearheaded by Brian Munzlinger (I recall his name as being one of the ones who pushed for the bill that added this "language to clarify" but which actually doubled the round count). At any rate I found that encouraging.

OF course I never got a reply from the Gov or atty Gen...no real surprise there.

Has anyone else heard details of pending changes?

Also if you have not written recently about that round count, now may be a really good time to press your elected reps at all state levels for something more rational. If you need to locate them all your elected officials can be contacted using links at Project Vote Smart - The Voter's Self Defense System.
This is what you are looking for:

FIREARMS SAFETY INSTRUCTION: This act reduces, from fifty to twenty, the number of minimum rounds of live firing an applicant must do to receive a certificate of firearms safety training course completion by a qualified firearms safety instructor.

Certificates from a firearms safety instructor course approved by the Department of Public Safety must be notarized.

This act allows a qualified firearms safety instructor to submit a copy of a training instructor certificate, course outline bearing a notarized signature of the instructor, and recent photograph to the sheriff of the county in which he or she resides. The sheriff must collect an annual ten dollar fee from an instructor who chooses to submit the information and must retain a database of qualified instructors. This information will be a closed record except for access by any sheriff.

Any firearms safety instructor who violates any provision of section 571.111 will be prohibited from instructing concealed carry permit classes and issuing certificates. (Section 571.111)
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I'm sorry to ask this but can you cite the bill number this is under? I've spent several hours combing over Mo.gov bill list/bill tracking site and I can't find anything about this. There is HB92 seeking to lower the ccw age to 19; there are several others tied up in reference or committee but I'm not seeing this particular one. I'd like to read the actual text but cannot find it.
I'm sorry to ask this but can you cite the bill number this is under? I've spent several hours combing over Mo.gov bill list/bill tracking site and I can't find anything about this. There is HB92 seeking to lower the ccw age to 19; there are several others tied up in reference or committee but I'm not seeing this particular one. I'd like to read the actual text but cannot find it.

I should have posted what bill it is from: SB 75.

Also passed was HB 436.

Session for this year is done. All bills passes are on the Governors desk for him to either sign, veto, or ignore. All were passed with a veto proof majority.

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