Possession of a firearm on campus


My SIL is heading to college in Pennsylvania in a few months and I was wondering if it is illegal for her to possess a handgun on campus. I can't find anything in Pennsylvania law that says that it is illegal, but I also do not speak lawyer.

Also, are there any possible ramifications to me giving her a handgun as a gift? She will be alone with no relatives and it would make me feel better to know she at least has the ability to defend herself. I have already given her a variety of discreet defense products (kuboton for her birthday, pepper spray on new year's) but nothing trumps the great equalizer for self defense.
As far as I know, PA leaves the decision up to the college whether to allow it. Best bet is to call campus security, unless the college is in Philadelphia county (in which case I'd guess you'll get a no).
Heading to college? How old is she?

If under 21, she would need to keep it in her living quarters? Is she going to be in the dorm, or off-campus housing?

Most colleges do not allow you to carry on their campus, and most won't allow you to keep them in campus housing.

You will need to find these answers through the college that she is going to.

The other question I have is she from PA or WI? eh, just looked it up... we recognize each other's permit/license to carry.

Example... I have need to sometimes go to the area that the University of Pittsburgh is located. On the sidewalk, I'm more than OK to carry, but if I happen to enter a building that is owned/operated by the University, I have violated the University's rules.

I would also get her some OC spray or Mace.

As far as giving her a firearm as a gift. You may give her anything you want. The question comes down to is she legally allowed to carry or transport it. I would check the Interstate travel laws if she is coming from out of state to see if their is an age restriction on Interstate travel.

I know I gave you more questions than answers. I just hope I pointed you in the right direction in answering some of them.

Good luck to you and to her.
Sounds more like a troll !!! But, in case your not, pay the money and go talk to a lawyer. Advise or legal interpretations on the Internet should be verified.
Heading to college? How old is she?

If under 21, she would need to keep it in her living quarters? Is she going to be in the dorm, or off-campus housing?

Most colleges do not allow you to carry on their campus, and most won't allow you to keep them in campus housing.

You will need to find these answers through the college that she is going to.

The other question I have is she from PA or WI? eh, just looked it up... we recognize each other's permit/license to carry.

Example... I have need to sometimes go to the area that the University of Pittsburgh is located. On the sidewalk, I'm more than OK to carry, but if I happen to enter a building that is owned/operated by the University, I have violated the University's rules.

I would also get her some OC spray or Mace.

As far as giving her a firearm as a gift. You may give her anything you want. The question comes down to is she legally allowed to carry or transport it. I would check the Interstate travel laws if she is coming from out of state to see if their is an age restriction on Interstate travel.

I know I gave you more questions than answers. I just hope I pointed you in the right direction in answering some of them.

Good luck to you and to her.

She is 18, almost 19 by the time she gets there. She has OC, a few cans actually as well as a Kimber two shot thingie (don't use it, no idea what it's called.). I know carry will be restricted, but as far as transportation, I would be sending it FedEx, ammo in a separate package. (that's for you phrogmedic). As far as her college's preferences, it seems like since there is no mention in the policies, it will be one of those places that will say no if you ask since asking is like an acknowlegement to the liberals that you think the gun is dangerous sitting there unloaded in its' safe. It's going to be a tough choice. Her mother is a liberal, father is a Rhino, sister (my wife) is a cheapskate and will think it will bankrupt the family to give her one of my guns, and phrogmedic thinks I am making this up. Probably best not to tell my wife.

Sounds more like a troll !!! But, in case your not, pay the money and go talk to a lawyer. Advise or legal interpretations on the Internet should be verified.

Guy with 55 posts in 3 years calls me a troll. Buddy, reason some of us are on here is because we cannot afford an attorney. And guess what else...if you're going to say that people who can't afford the legal fees shouldn't carry, you can shove that elitist Feinstein **** up your ass. I served my country and earned the right to enjoy my freedoms, now piss off.

Being that she's under 21, she is obligated to carry open since she is not eligible for a LTCF from PA. That leaves her with some restrictions. She is not able to carry in any vehicle whatsoever and must lock the firearm unloaded in the vehicle (generally the trunk). If she is using busing on campus, this will be out of the question for her. Also, most people don't realize that in PA, open carry in a park is not allowed either. She should become very familiar with open carry rules in PA, especially while being on a liberally minded college campus.

Also, PA law states that the prohibition of carrying openly must be expressed verbally or on a sign (no requirements that I have read about sign size) before she would be considered "defiantly trespassing".

Read the student handbook voraciously. There is probably some mention of firearms in the handbook. If not, then unless a school official says to her directly that she cannot carry, she would not be considered defiantly trespassing.

One concern, crime on campuses is huge. If word gets out that she was carrying and then gets told that she can't. Her firearm, will be in her living quarters unattended. Are you going to send her some type of lock box that she can bolt to the floor as well?

Good luck to you sir.

Being that she's under 21, she is obligated to carry open since she is not eligible for a LTCF from PA. That leaves her with some restrictions. She is not able to carry in any vehicle whatsoever and must lock the firearm unloaded in the vehicle (generally the trunk). If she is using busing on campus, this will be out of the question for her. Also, most people don't realize that in PA, open carry in a STATE park is not allowed either. She should become very familiar with open carry rules in PA, especially while being on a liberally minded college campus.

Also, PA law states that the prohibition of carrying openly must be expressed verbally or on a sign (no requirements that I have read about sign size) before she would be considered "defiantly trespassing".

Read the student handbook voraciously. There is probably some mention of firearms in the handbook. If not, then unless a school official says to her directly that she cannot carry, she would not be considered defiantly trespassing.

One concern, crime on campuses is huge. If word gets out that she was carrying and then gets told that she can't. Her firearm, will be in her living quarters unattended. Are you going to send her some type of lock box that she can bolt to the floor as well?

Good luck to you sir.

Fixed it for you. OC is legal is federal parks and local parks. CC only in state parks.
Some will say that OC is now legal in state parks as well, due to a recent change in the wording of an
unrelated statute, but it hasn't been tested yet.
Fixed it for you. OC is legal is federal parks and local parks. CC only in state parks.
Some will say that OC is now legal in state parks as well, due to a recent change in the wording of an
unrelated statute, but it hasn't been tested yet.

I'd agree with you if she was a licensee... but she is under 21 and cannot be a licensee. I personally wouldn't want to be the one that tries first. Thanks for your thoughts Curmudgeon.
She is 18, almost 19 by the time she gets there. She has OC, a few cans actually as well as a Kimber two shot thingie (don't use it, no idea what it's called.). I know carry will be restricted, but as far as transportation, I would be sending it FedEx, ammo in a separate package. (that's for you phrogmedic).

Sending a working firearm through the mail or other delivery service to a private party is strictly prohibited, especially since this is an interstate transfer. If you are shipping a working firearm, then you will have to do a FFL to FFL transfer. You will need to find an FFL in your area, who will need to include a copy of his FFL when he sends the firearm to the FFL on the other end, and before sending it, you will have to find an FFL on the other end and have him fax a copy of HIS FFL to the FFL who is performing the transfer on your behalf. It must be shipped overnight. There is usually a $25 to $50 transfer fee to cover the shipping. Ammo must be shipped as a hazardous material, which can be pricey. This is from the FedEx web site, and comes directly from the federal guidelines:

Carrier will transport and deliver firearms as defined by the United States Gun Control Act of 1968, between areas served in the U.S., but only between:

Licensed importers; licensed manufacturers; licensed dealers; licensed collectors; law enforcement agencies of the U.S.or any department or agency thereof; and law enforcement agencies of any state or any department, agency or political subdivisions thereof; or

Where not prohibited by local, state and federal law, from individuals to licensed importers, licensed manufacturers or licensed dealers (and return of same). (this is to facilitate firearms repairs - added)

Carrier cannot ship or deliver firearms C.O.D.

Upon presenting the goods for shipment, the person tendering the shipment to Carrier is required to notify Carrier that the shipment contains a firearm. The outside of the package(s) must not be marked, labeled or otherwise identify that the package(s) contains a firearm.

The shipper and recipient must be of legal age as identified by applicable law.

The shipper and recipient are required to comply with all applicable government regulations and laws, including those pertaining to labeling. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives can provide assistance.

Carrier will transport small-arms ammunition when packed and labeled in compliance with local, state and federal law, and the Hazardous Materials section of this Service Guide. Ammunition is an explosive and must be shipped separately as hazardous materials. You agree not to ship loaded firearms or firearms with ammunition in the same package.

This complicates things, but that's the way it is.
Owing to the Preemption Statute in Title 18 of the PA Crimes Code, administrators are really chasing their tails on this subject. As an informed citizen, you need to hammer PA legislators to affirm that those with a License to Carry Firearms be allowed to do so on college campuses. You need to carefully read PA law, too. If your child is not yet 18, he or she cannot possess a handgun legally.

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