My SIL is heading to college in Pennsylvania in a few months and I was wondering if it is illegal for her to possess a handgun on campus. I can't find anything in Pennsylvania law that says that it is illegal, but I also do not speak lawyer.
Also, are there any possible ramifications to me giving her a handgun as a gift? She will be alone with no relatives and it would make me feel better to know she at least has the ability to defend herself. I have already given her a variety of discreet defense products (kuboton for her birthday, pepper spray on new year's) but nothing trumps the great equalizer for self defense.
Also, are there any possible ramifications to me giving her a handgun as a gift? She will be alone with no relatives and it would make me feel better to know she at least has the ability to defend herself. I have already given her a variety of discreet defense products (kuboton for her birthday, pepper spray on new year's) but nothing trumps the great equalizer for self defense.