Positive First LEO experience


New member
So I had my first LEO experience on my way to work today.

I got pulled over for doing 71 in a 55. My fault, but where it was it really wasn't. For those familiar with the Cincinnati/ Sharronvile area you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I live in NKY and commute to Sharronville every day for work. I was traveling up N75 with the cruise set on 62. (its 55 for most of my trip). Just before the first GE exit on 75 there's always a Lockland car sitting there. The Dodge Charger). before I get to that exit I always turn off the cruise , mainly because everyone knows cops sit there and are always slamming on their breaks causing traffic to build up. Anyway I turned off the cruise and checked for the unit. All clear. By now traffic is building up behind me and I need to start getting over to get off the highway. I saw an opening in front of me so I proceeded to speed up and get over. Well the unit that was supposed to be behind me had already pulled someone else over and was a half a mile up from the exit where he normally sits. When I saw him, his partner was getting in the car.(BUSTED). They pulled me over and before he said anything I informed him about my CCDW and that I was carrying. He said thanks for telling him and that most people don't. I was under the assumption that Ohio you were required to inform. anyway the incident went well I got $135 ticket and he commented on my new 4 door Jeep (haven't made the first payment yet). Overall this was a good first experience.

nice I had the doors of on sat. I never had this problem in my old jeep. It was a miracle if it got above 60.
I never had this problem in my old jeep. It was a miracle if it got above 60.

LOL... i had a jeep like that. Sold it 2 years ago. It would do 65... downhill. Burned a quart of oil a month. But it was a superstar at 3 mph in low gear. Man I loved that jeep. Daughter cried when I sold it. :cray:

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Not every cop is going to let you off with a warning because you advised him of your CCW.Most cops that stop you for speeding are just paper writers and can care less what you tell them.My experience as a police officer working with a vast number of personalities suggest that they only want to issue the summons and get to the next stop.My favorite is when the driver hands you the pistol license thinking its a courtesy card to get off the ticket.It gets better when there pistol permit is restricted for target or hunting where legal in NY and are carrying.
I was in an accident a few days ago, and a Volusia County (Florida) sheriff's deputy covered the scene. Although I was carrying, I never said a word, and only turned over my D/L, insurance and registration. I don't believe that I have to advise the officer that I am carrying.

It was a routine accident report, and nothing happened. And I will not turn over my CCW permit unless a LEO asks me for one. And he might, as my truck is covered with NRA, GOA, 2nd Amendment and other "right-wing" political stickers.

No problems whatsoever.
Not every cop is going to let you off with a warning because you advised him of your CCW.Most cops that stop you for speeding are just paper writers and can care less what you tell them.My experience as a police officer working with a vast number of personalities suggest that they only want to issue the summons and get to the next stop.My favorite is when the driver hands you the pistol license thinking its a courtesy card to get off the ticket.It gets better when there pistol permit is restricted for target or hunting where legal in NY and are carrying.

Who said anything about getting off with a warning, other than you? I don't think anybody here would suggest that having a licence to carry a firearm has any leverage with getting out of a ticket. Some officers might even be more inclined to give a ticket because of this, I've had a few run-ins here in Panama City with officers who are completely against any civilian owning or using a firearm.
Typical redneck response

Who said anything about getting off with a warning, other than you? I don't think anybody here would suggest that having a licence to carry a firearm has any leverage with getting out of a ticket. Some officers might even be more inclined to give a ticket because of this, I've had a few run-ins here in Panama City with officers who are completely against any civilian owning or using a firearm.Most cops are anti-gun and don't like a redneck carrying a gun.Rednecks hate being stopped by the police and try to get off a ticket by showing there pistol permit like there one of the good guys.Even if a cop thanks you for telling him about the gun it's just part of his training to keep things calm and civil.I deal with many trailer trash types and can care less what they say.Most cops size you up and deal with the situation.
Hunter Won, are you claiming to be a LEO, because that attitude of yours is part of the reason citizens have such a low opinion of MOST law officers. Your holier than thou attitude is crap. If you can't deal with the day to day dealings of John Q Public, perhaps you would better serve the public by dropping the racism and find a job were we don't have to deal with your racist BS.
Wreckmaster response

Hunter Won, are you claiming to be a LEO, because that attitude of yours is part of the reason citizens have such a low opinion of MOST law officers. Your holier than thou attitude is crap. If you can't deal with the day to day dealings of John Q Public, perhaps you would better serve the public by dropping the racism and find a job were we don't have to deal with your racist BS.
First off I'm proud to be a minority police officer that is pro 2nd ammendment and for you to say that is way out of line.Most cops are anti-gun and care about there safety and getting home.That is why most are anti-gun because of the dangers involved as a police officer.You should admire what the police do,we also save lives.You should visit the fallen officers memorial in Washington DC,it's a complicated job from giving tickets to giving the news that a child was killed in a auto accident.This country has come a long way,Remember Obama is president now no need to be living the past.There is only one god.
Hunter One

What is a "minority police officer"????? Either you are a police officer or you are not a police officer, correct???? Where does the minority come in???? Or, maybe you are a black, hispanic, indian, or other race of police officer, it doesn't matter because - A police officer is a police officer, no matter color, etc....

The Dove
Dove response

Hunter One

What is a "minority police officer"????? Either you are a police officer or you are not a police officer, correct???? Where does the minority come in???? Or, maybe you are a black, hispanic, indian, or other race of police officer, it doesn't matter because - A police officer is a police officer, no matter color, etc....

The Dove
A cop, drug addict, homosexual or a teacher is that,no matter the color or race... understood.
No dis-respect amigo. I just didn't know if you were talking about being a certain race and a LEO or you meant you are a minority on this board and that means there are very few LEO posting.

The Dove

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