Portland, Oregon Defensive Handgun Class


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For those who are seeking training in Portland to save some gas and hotel room expense, check InSights Training out. It is not often that they come down and offer a two day defensive handgun in the Portland area. You usually have to drive and stay the night somewhere up north if you live in the Portland, Salem, Vancouver regions. Just something I would throw out there... They are offering a Gen. Defensive Handgun Class April 25 & 26 (two day class) at "The Place to Shoot" located in N. Portland. I have attached a formal flyer.

Here are some basics:

InSights General Defensive Handgun Class

Dates: April 25 & 26, 2009
Times: 9:00 AM-7:00 PM (both dates)
Location: The Place to Shoot, 904 N Hayden Meadows Road, Portland, Oregon
Cost: $350.00 (Pre-registration with deposit required)
Pre-Requisites: Conceal Weapons Permit/License or documentation of good character.
Bring: Reliable, functional handgun; belt holster(rigid) with sturdy belt; 600 rounds (min.) of jacketed
ammunition that must be purchased at the facility; 3 magazines or speed loaders; hearing and eye protection.
Enrollment: General Defensive Handgun Training

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