POLL - NV CCW Permit Fees

In order to obtain a Nevada CCW permit, one must first obtain training, usually at a cost of $80 to $125. Then one must pay $40.25 for fingerprinting and a $60 application fee to the sheriff. Add ammunition costs (for qualification shooting) and the total cost for obtaining a CCW permit can easily approach or exceed $200.

NV should retain its current fee structure

200 is cheap; NV should raise its current fees

NV should decrease its current fees

Please vote here: Link Removed

I'd comment but a response beneath the poll says it quite well:

Re: CCW Permit Fees (Score: 1)
by booojum on Sunday, June 01 @ 14:47:58 EDT
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It is a moral outrage and a legal travesty to even have a "permit" for what is a Constitutional and God-given right! It only adds insult to injury to require any sort of fee for this "permit", at any level of government.

So I'll say: ^^what he said!
The problem is this is how our bloated government works. It really has nothing to do with a CCW permit. Government wants and expects the taxpayors money so they can spend all day long.

Our Constitution provides for a common defense, so we pay billions to fund our armed forces. Why would anyone think they have a right to something without paying? $200 is not much, is this poll really necessary?
The problem is this is how our bloated government works. It really has nothing to do with a CCW permit. Government wants and expects the taxpayors money so they can spend all day long.

Our Constitution provides for a common defense, so we pay billions to fund our armed forces. Why would anyone think they have a right to something without paying? $200 is not much, is this poll really necessary?

While its hard to disagree with your "bloated gov't" statement, the subject is CCW permit fees.

Do you pay a direct fee for your 1st (or other) amendment rights?

The poll is NOT scientific. But the results might be interesting. Necessary? Well, you be the judge.

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