Police State In America?

This has been bothering me quite a bit recently. I have no reason to fear the police, nor do I give them any reason to come see me for anything other than a friendly visit. So if my house gets broken into at night for a no-knock warrant, how justified am I to shoot? Why is a man charged with 1st degree murder for a cop illegally entering his house, but gets a pass if it's the neighborhood crackhead? Where do our rights end in this case? The problem is that you're now a cop-killer, no matter how justified you might be.
Part of it is the court system. How can they issue warrants based solely on the word of a convict? Can't believe what the cours are allowing these days. Very scary.....

Door kicking thugs have been yelling police as they inter the homes herein florida.God help us all,for shotgun with slugs await them here.
I'm with you HK4U.
This is not paranoia, this is the reality we live in. A military type police state is just the beginning.

I pray for all who are facing the near future, especially those who would rather die than give up thier rights. There is some scary sh** on the horizon.
I have posted on here about this before I detest this type of behavior. There is atime and a place foreverything but our civillian police force needs to take a step back and realize this is America and we citizens do have the right to keep and bear arms and may well use them for self defense. Where is the media out cry over this excessive use of force? The silence is deaffening.

Oh and that one comment about the black military uniforms letting them know how serious they were? Great idea now lets put a little skull and cross bones on the cap and special arm band with catchy geometric shape on it. Maybe some knee high boots? Sound familiar to anyone?
Don't forget they need to kick thier feet really high when they march down our streets, and salute with a straight arm. :12:
I'm with you HK4U.
This is not paranoia, this is the reality we live in. A military type police state is just the beginning.

I pray for all who are facing the near future, especially those who would rather die than give up thier rights. There is some scary sh** on the horizon.

it is indeed just another way to control the people. I never thought I would see this great country going to pot at such a fast pace...
"cowboy" tactics

We are Americans. Ours' is a culture of guns. Even the most timid in my family has a shotgun in the house. That being said, kicking down doors, night or day, is a recipe for disaster.

A better tactic is to keep a suspect under surveillance with heavy UC vehicles (vans/trucks) laying in wait. When the suspect goes mobile, block all possible avenues of escape and conduct a felony stop using marked units. The suspect will know you are the police and the chances of someone getting hurt are dramatically reduced.

- my $.02
We are Americans. Ours' is a culture of guns. Even the most timid in my family has a shotgun in the house. That being said, kicking down doors, night or day, is a recipe for disaster.

A better tactic is to keep a suspect under surveillance with heavy UC vehicles (vans/trucks) laying in wait. When the suspect goes mobile, block all possible avenues of escape and conduct a felony stop using marked units. The suspect will know you are the police and the chances of someone getting hurt are dramatically reduced.

- my $.02

I couldn't agree more. If the government followed that advice we'd not have the headlines about innocent people murdered by JBT. Also, think of all the wonderful publicity the Clinton White House and Janet Reno's Justice Department would have missed without Ruby Ridge and Waco...:12::12:
I couldn't agree more. If the government followed that advice we'd not have the headlines about innocent people murdered by JBT. Also, think of all the wonderful publicity the Clinton White House and Janet Reno's Justice Department would have missed without Ruby Ridge and Waco...:12::12:

We are Americans. Ours' is a culture of guns. Even the most timid in my family has a shotgun in the house. That being said, kicking down doors, night or day, is a recipe for disaster.

A better tactic is to keep a suspect under surveillance with heavy UC vehicles (vans/trucks) laying in wait. When the suspect goes mobile, block all possible avenues of escape and conduct a felony stop using marked units. The suspect will know you are the police and the chances of someone getting hurt are dramatically reduced.

- my $.02
That's good for suspects that need to be apprehended individually...what about situations where there are multiple people in a house and there's evidence inside that could quickly be flushed down a toilet? The element of surprise helps a lot in such a situation.

I don't know what an alternative would be...but I would be interested in hearing one. A possible solution might be firing tear gas/flash bang grenades inside in advance to stun everyone and also let them know what it's not your garden variety B&R.
That's good for suspects that need to be apprehended individually...what about situations where there are multiple people in a house and there's evidence inside that could quickly be flushed down a toilet? The element of surprise helps a lot in such a situation.

I don't know what an alternative would be...but I would be interested in hearing one. A possible solution might be firing tear gas/flash bang grenades inside in advance to stun everyone and also let them know what it's not your garden variety B&R.

...good point, Tores. For whichever tactic is employed, the importance of surveillance cannot be understated. Coordinate with public utilities to cut power and water, get a blueprint from city hall for the target layout. Tear gas is a good move as it causes less fires than flsh-bangs. Keep your options open.

If your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like a nail.
Actually, we need to get to the heart of the problem. Police departments are under funded, under manned and with what funds they do get, it's just plain misappropriated. The police departments are being run by politicians that don't have a clue. Departments want SWAT teams but really don't need them so they have to find any and all reasons to use them. Also, police today can't or won't take the time to gather information. in other words, do police work, like they use to do in years past. They would rather do it the quick and easy way. I'm beginning to rant, so I'll stop here. It is pretty scary though.
The part I don't like is the confication of properity. This does make a profit for the department. So why not try to get good stuff. Police are not or should not be in the lets make money mode. If they want what tou have they can get it.