Police Officer Says "Kids fight with guns and knives not fists."


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Bourne Police Lt. Richard Tavares, commenting after murder this past Sunday night- "But there is no reason for neighborhoods to be fearful. Young people fight with knives and guns these days, not their fists." Which is exactly why I have a Class A LTC and always carry concealed.

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Bourne teen charged in fatal fight | CapeCodOnline.com
So many kids today have no fear of dying or killing, and their value system swirls the drain of their existence.

It's a crazy fallen world, no doubt.
I sure miss the good ole days when you could settle anything with a good ole ass-whopping. Either given or gotten.
I sure miss the good ole days when you could settle anything with a good ole ass-whopping. Either given or gotten.

Amen to that. Evenif it comes to fisticuffs these days, some moron has to post the brawl on youtube and then they gotta go the extra mile by kickin' a kid when he or she is down and pummeling them to a pulp. When I was a kid, if you landed one or received one hard enough to the jaw and went down, that was the end of it. The next day we were all friends and there was no posse out lookin' for retribution. So many bad parents are raising so many bad kids nowadays. It's an insane world.....just glad I'm one of the sane ones!
Sane, armed and ready....

And now days, rarely would you see ONE kid fighting ONE kid. It's ONE GANG going after one kid... bunch of pansies and predatory pack hunters.
I sure miss the good ole days when you could settle anything with a good ole ass-whopping. Either given or gotten.

I've always said a good ass-whooping feels good, whether given or gotten. Course, it is better to give than receive! :laugh:
I was raised that if I get in a fight I better win, cause I'd be getting one at home for getting in a fight. No sense in getting two ass whoppings.
Well in my opinion if we teach them they are worth no more than just advanced apes when they start to act like it why are we suprised.
Well in my opinion if we teach them they are worth no more than just advanced apes when they start to act like it why are we suprised.

"If we teach them..". We, who? I've taught my sons to be honorable men. No "apes" here.
"If we teach them..". We, who? I've taught my sons to be honorable men. No "apes" here.

Same here. I told both my son and daughter the same thing. Never be bullies and never be targets. Be human.
Be respectful.

Some parents care and some don't. You can see the difference in the kids that have that level of parental guidance at home.

I have said this many times and I'll type it here. A license to fish, to hunt, to drive, to ride, to own guns ,to fly a plane...
Procreation, still unrestricted.:biggrin:

Bourne Police Lt. Richard Tavares, commenting after murder this past Sunday night- "But there is no reason for neighborhoods to be fearful. Young people fight with knives and guns these days, not their fists."

Could someone please explain how this makes ANY sense?

There's NOTHING worse than police arrogance-- displayed here to the point of insulting EVERYONE'S intelligence.
Same here. I told both my son and daughter the same thing. Never be bullies and never be targets.

The problem is that you can't always choose what's a "target," particularly in a society that deliberately subjugates and oppresses the individual; sometimes you have to take it to court (see my website on this, Link Removed).
Sane, armed and ready....

And now days, rarely would you see ONE kid fighting ONE kid. It's ONE GANG going after one kid... bunch of pansies and predatory pack hunters.

More like open warfare.
Gangs are clear INSURRECTIONS against the state, but against which the state refuses to recognize as such; instead, like other terrorists, they're treated simply as indiividual criminals.
Yeah, things have gotten worse since the SCOTUS ruled that the standard and acceptable penalty for murder was cruel and unusual if applied to juveniles, because other countries didn't like it. So since juvenile thugs now know that if they murder someone that they cannot receive a proper punishment, where is the disincentive to murder someone?

A life-sentence would be good enough, however now they just come before the parole-board in a few years and say "I was a different person then, I made a mistake and learned my lesson" etc. and they get their release-papers rubber-stamped by bureaucrats.
Sane, armed and ready....

And now days, rarely would you see ONE kid fighting ONE kid. It's ONE GANG going after one kid... bunch of pansies and predatory pack hunters.

How true this statement is... I worked for a Internationally known Security Company as an Armed SO. My work place was at the local Public Bus Terminal in a major city in North Carolina. Nearly all of my confrontations with the public was with either the Bloods picking on a lone Crip, or vice versa. If I had to break up a one on one, it was usually two grown adults acting like children. :yu:

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