Police: Man Who Crashed After Firing Shots At Girlfriend Sought


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So which is more dangerous a car or a gun. Sounds like more damage was done by the car. Perhaps we should ban all cars.

The pursuit ended when the man hit several cars and left his vehicle at Interstate 30 and Northwest 19th Street

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Police: Man Who Crashed After Firing Shots At Girlfriend Sought

POSTED: 2:33 pm CDT May 19, 2008
UPDATED: 3:02 pm CDT May 19, 2008

GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas -- Police said they are searching for a man who chased his girlfriend and firing shots before crashing into several vehicles in Grand Prairie Monday morning.

Police were called to a domestic disturbance after a girlfriend was trying to move out and her boyfriend tried to keep her from leaving near North Collins Street and Washington Drive in north Arlington. The woman went into a car with people who were helping her move and the boyfriend followed and began shooting, witnesses said.

The pursuit ended when the man hit several cars and left his vehicle at Interstate 30 and Northwest 19th Street.

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