Places To Shoot In Greenville


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Are there any places outdoors to shoot handguns near Greenville where you don't have to pay?
I am a member of a local indoor range but I dislike having to pay more for thier range ammo while I can get factory ammo for less.

Back in my home state I used to go to a "chirp" pit to target practice. Even some LEO's came out there as well. I can't seem to find any place nearby to shoot.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

I've been told their is a public range over between Easley and Pickens but have never been.

there is a back log of applications for the Greenville Gun Club, but that is the best deal 'in town'.
Thanks for your suggestioin Blume but the DNR hangun range has been closed down since September 2008.
Actually the range is still there, just closed. The rifle range is still open.
I posted a question about why the DNR closed the handgun range here.

I was told they closed it to redo it and then because of budget cuts ran out of money to do it. It was originally built with donations that may be what it takes to get it reopened.
I wish... I'm looking for land to purchase now. Enough to build a house, and have room out back to shoot. Right now, I either go to Allen Arms, or to my in-laws in Easley - my Father-in-law has 7 acres over there, and we have a make-shift range - we keep saying that we are going to get a bob-cat, or something, and make a nice one with burroughs and everything... but $$$ keeps getting in the way...
I too go to Allen arms to shoot but have cut back some due to cost and working part time.
A friend of mine wants to make a small range on his property so we can shoot on. We have shot a mag full there a couple of times.
So far he hasn't moved towards making the range yet as he has other projects that he wants done first.

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