Pittsburgh Convention Centers


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This weekend, I will be going to the Monroeville Convention Center for the Home and Garden Show and in a few months I will be at the David L Lawrence Convention Center. Does anyone know if they have metal detectors? I really don't want to have to go all the way back to the car to lock up my pistol. I thought about calling them, but I thought they might freak out if I call and ask if they have metal detectors. LOL :triniti:



That can be a complicated question.

The question you pose is potentially complicated, I don't have any knowledge of the facility you refer to in this case.
Even if you are able to determine that a given facility does not employ metal detectors at entrances or access points the facility or any organization who is in charge of putting on a given event, or any security they hire on, may choose to utilize wand scanners which you can't be certain of until within range for visual observation. Sorry that I can't provide more useful information to your specific circumstances and the best of luck to you.
Hey cowgrllost.... long time no see.

I've been to the Convention Center when they host their gun shows. During those, there is no metal detector, only rented security and usually one cop to make sure that anyone bringing a firearm into the gun show doesn't have it loaded. They didn't frisk anyone, it was more of an honor system.

Since they don't have a metal detector at those... I'm assuming they wouldn't for any other convention.
Thanks guys! It turned out that I had no problems. I just wish that there were an easier way to find this out ahead of time. I know you can't carry in stadiums and arenas in Pittsburgh, but other than the usual government buildings, schools, etc. I don't know until I get there and have to walk back to my car. :unsure:
Thanks guys! It turned out that I had no problems. I just wish that there were an easier way to find this out ahead of time. I know you can't carry in stadiums and arenas in Pittsburgh, but other than the usual government buildings, schools, etc. I don't know until I get there and have to walk back to my car. :unsure:

I've stopped going to sporting events in Pittsburgh. It was one thing when it was put to a vote whether local tax money should be used to build the stadiums. We voted a resounding no... but then they took state money. To me the people own these stadiums. I don't get how a multi million and even billion dollar businesses are allowed to take the people's money for their own profit. But now, being in some bad areas of the Northside, you have to be disarmed to go to a Pirates or Steelers game. Even worse is where you have to be disarmed to go to a Penguin's game. I've just tossed my hands and said to hell with 'em all.

Technically... it is not illegal to carry in them, but if they catch you at the frisking or the wanding, they will make you turn back. If you refuse, then you are trespassing.
Sort of a change of subject here but just wanted to point out that if you need to go to the court house for any reason you can check your weapon at the Sheriff's dept right there and I've been to the city/county building while carrying and was also escorted to their weapons check lockers. Another one is the state building. I got one of the capitol police inside all excited when I asked him where I could check a weapon. He got all defensive, covered his sidearm (must have been the NO Firearms sign) and asked if I had a permit and I thought well duh or else I wouldn't be in here asking where I could check it but once Barney Fife saw it he relaxed a little and pointed me down the hall where I knocked on a door and was let in to put it in a locker. They were all cool about carrying as long as you identify yourself and have your permit available. I haven't tried the Federal bldg yet though ;-). Been into quite a few other bldgs w/o any hassle too. Generally you probably don't have to worry too much about anywhere in town except for the fed bldg and sports arenas and like Wolf_Fire I will not attend sports events.

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