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I just took possession of a pistol that has been in the family for as long as I can remember. Here is the story as it was told to me. This pistol belonged to an officer in the French army ( not the foreign legion ). When Germany overran France in WWII, he hid the pistol to keep the Germans from getting it. When my father was in Loan France in 1959 he became friends with the man who stashed it away.My father was given the pistol before he returned to the United States.Here are a couple of pictures.

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Nice bit of history. Who is the maker? The back of the grip looks like the grip safety on the Smith and Wesson "Lemon squeezers". Is it a safety?
Sorry people, I was in a hurry when I posted. It is a S&W manufactured sometime between 1916 and 1926. That is a grip safety and the grip is mother of pearl. I am trying to find someone locally that I can take it to so I can learn more about it. lol...I cant even give you a model number.
Very Nice!!!!

WOW this is a really nice piece you have there. Such great history behind this. I find that someone is more meaningful to a person when there is sentimental value behind it. Congrats!

Thanks....Im not sure of the caliber, there are no markings on it. No serial number, no caliber, but I am thinking that it is a 38. I will be putting it in the gun safe to be handed down to one of my grandsons.( which ever one shows the most interest in firearms before I kick the bucket )
RDW, did you look under the grip panels? I've found serial number/model numbers there on other guns with no visible (or worn to be unreadable)
.32 S&W was also common at that time. My Iver Johnson break top is a .32 from that time frame.
Are you certian that the gun is a Smith & Wesson? I'm no expert on the break top models, but the trigger, sideplate and grip contour don't look right for it to be a S&W. Also, S&W is well known for properly marking their products where as this gun has little or no markings. There does appear to be what's left of a trademark on the right side just above the grip. But I can't quite make it out. Could this gun have been refinished resulting in destroying the original markings?
Bear in mind that in the early 20th century S&W was having major problems with many Spainish companies illegally copying their designs. The copies were sold all over Europe. Quality ranged from very good to outright junk.
Are you certian that the gun is a Smith & Wesson? I'm no expert on the break top models, but the trigger, sideplate and grip contour don't look right for it to be a S&W. Also, S&W is well known for properly marking their products where as this gun has little or no markings. There does appear to be what's left of a trademark on the right side just above the grip. But I can't quite make it out. Could this gun have been refinished resulting in destroying the original markings?
Bear in mind that in the early 20th century S&W was having major problems with many Spainish companies illegally copying their designs. The copies were sold all over Europe. Quality ranged from very good to outright junk.

Actually, I was thinking it looks very similar to my IverJohnson, but there appears to be a section of frame showing behind the grip panels. I think one poster asked about this possibly being a grip safety. Please compare to the break top in my album.