pistol permit in upstate NY


New member
I'm looking at getting my pistol permit in broome county new york, i've heard that it is nearly impossible to get a carry conceal permit in my county. so if i were to go through with the paper work and fingerprinting, and only obtain a target permit. would i be able to carry the pistol unloaded in my car to property that i deer hunt and be able to hunt with that pistol. i don't own any of the property that i hunt, but would love to try the challenge of hunting with a pistol but i don't want to violate any laws. because from what i've read with a target permit, it can only be on my property or place of business.
I see that this is your first post on USA Carry. Welcome to site, tredoa377.

As for what you need to do to be able to exercise your RKBA, I have an even better solution. MOVE!
I have never seen the actual pistol license application for Broome County (they all seem to be a bit different), but somewhere, it is going to have a place for "the reason" you want to have this license.

I was told a long time ago to ask for what you want, becasue if you don't ask, you won't get it. (Let's ignore for the moment that having to ask for the privelege to possess a handgun is absurd.) On my application, I wrote "For all lawful purposes." as the reason. You may want to try that or list out" Hunting, target shooting, informal plinking, camping, personal protection, competitive shooting, shark fishing, etc."

In my county, they will not issue a license for "self defense", so writing that on the application is a sure way to have it rejected. I obtained an unrestricted license the way I submitted it.

As a side, I heard that Tioga was starting to award licenses without restrictions finally. Maybe Broome will follow suit!

Good Luck.
As far as I know, you may transport your pistol unloaded in a locked container to the place where you hunt, load it and carry it while hunting, then transport it home unloaded in that locked box. This applies to having a permit issued for "hunting/target."

The problem is, as you already know, that there are no state-wide uniform pistol laws in this state, but I agree with some of the other posters here who said to include as much as you can for wanting a pistol license, in the hope you may get one unrestricted.

When we first went to our sheriff's office with our applications, we only had asked for "premises/target," but the deputy who took our fingerprints told us to change the permit request to "full carry," which we did. It just depends where you live in this state, which sucks for some, not so much for others.:frown:

One day we hope to leave this state.:dance3:

Good luck!
thanks for the info guys, i'm going to go ahead and obtain the paperwork and submit it stating my reasons for wanting to own being hunting ect. and see what happens, i'll also go ahead and ask the sheriff when i get the paperwork what the deal is about carrying it to my hunting grounds
In Cayuga County I called the Deputy Sheriff in charge of permits and asked him how to answer because they had hunting, target, home etc. My question when hunting it will be concealed under outer garments. The Deputy told me they do not issue for anything but full concealed carry. But you can carry open while hunting.

I use .44 deer hunting as a short range back up. I carry a XP100 7mmbr for 100+ yds. The beauty of hand gun hunting is: you do not have to load and unload pistols can be carried loaded.

Ask the Deputy in charge of permits. Or ask at the local ranges. There a lot of shooters down there.
thanks for the info guys, i'm going to go ahead and obtain the paperwork and submit it stating my reasons for wanting to own being hunting ect. and see what happens, i'll also go ahead and ask the sheriff when i get the paperwork what the deal is about carrying it to my hunting grounds

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Any news yet?

I would suggest looking up the class I run in the area that trains you for your UN restricted permit. You can, indeed obtain one now as Judge Cawley is authorizing them - with proper training.

Go here: www.safeinrochester.com/firearms to see the class listing. The title is: Defensive Pistol Skills 101/CCW Upgrade.

I can guarantee you results from the class. if you have any questions, let me know by emailing me through the site.


Any news yet?

I would suggest looking up the class I run in the area that trains you for your UN restricted permit. You can, indeed obtain one now as Judge Cawley is authorizing them - with proper training.

Go here: www.safeinrochester.com/firearms to see the class listing. The title is: Defensive Pistol Skills 101/CCW Upgrade.

I can guarantee you results from the class. if you have any questions, let me know by emailing me through the site.


Anyway the Broome county judges can convince the Onondaga county judges to do the same? I was told (by the guy at the Bass Pro gunshop in Auburn) that between the 3 judges that do the pistol permits in Onondaga county it is basically a crapshoot based on which judge gets your application--1 judge will give unrestricted and the other 2 probably won't.

I plan on signing up for one of the defensive pistol courses in Rochester either way once I get my (un)restricted permit and my Taurus 24/7 Pro in the next few months (hopefully).
Multiple County Permits.

Noob here.
I've had a target carry in Suffolk County (Long Island) for about 15 years now and I was just upgraded to a business carry.
I bought a house in Yates County. I called the Yates County office in charge of issuing permits and they said i couldn't have a permit in 2 counties.Does that sound right to anybody? I have zero confidence in the information the woman gave me.
Next time I'm up there during the week (spring) I'll have to check into getting a permit for up there and see what they say in person.


My understanding is: you need to or should transfer your permit to your new county. I'm not that upto speed on LI area. I can carry anywhere in NYS with my permit except see below.

The really suck part of this state is NYC and area. Us upstate or LI can not carry into "THE CITY" but if they have a permit they can carry up here.
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Multiple Counties

My understanding is: you need to or should transfer your permit to your new county. I'm not that upto speed on LI area. I can carry anywhere in NYS with my permit except see below.

They did say I could bring in my Suffolk permit and surrender it for a Yates permit.
I still live and work in Suffolk so I was not willing to do that.

I grew up in Broome County. Endicott to be exact. I had a pistol permit and it was restricted to hunting, target shooting and plinking. I could transport it to any of the three activities but it had to be unloaded and out of my reach while enroute. Concealed Carry permits (as I recall) were extremely difficult to get, but could be had if your job required it. Like a jeweler or someone who transported large sums of cash. My stepfather had one because he was an auxilliary Johnson City policeman. I couldn't get one.
Hey Catfish,

I grew up in Yates. If I recall correctly, there is a 1 year residency requirement in that county. They ask for 3 or 4 character references that live within the ounty that you have known for at least 1 year. I would ask to have that waived as you already have a pistol license in NYS.

I would not surrender your curent license until you have a legal solution for handgun possession. Good luck.
What is the Yates County position on concealed carry? With either permint you are legal anywhere in NYS except the city area. If Yates issues full concealed carry it make sense to transfer.

The problem I see is which county do you actually live? Did you transfer Drivers license? Vehicle rergistrations auto insurancec? That could cause you a issue.

Just thinking outloud. Any way you slice it a issued permit in NYS is valuable and should never be surrendered unless you have a better deal.
I haven't gotten that far into it.
I live and work in Suffolk.
DL is in Suffolk but auto insurance and reg are split between both.
I will never surrender my Suffolk business carry unless I no longer work in Suffolk.
Hopefully I'll have some time to ask some questions next time I make it up to Yates.

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