pistol cal rifle


New member
i live in ct, and the laws make it very difficult to get a good rifle. but i would really like a mp5/bobcat or some kind of variation. does anyone have any good ideas with a reasonable price range, a civilian version
Used H&K HK94 average around $2000.
Most HK94 clones average around $1100.
Cohaire Arms, Vector Arms and Bobcat make good clones.
Numba 2 son has an HK rifle with a folding stock chambered in 45ACP. He also just bought a FN rifle that is chambered in 5.7 x 28 (methinks). I've shot the 45; it's a blast! The FN is brand new, a PS90 (methinks once again). All I can tell you is that he came back from the range wearing a huge grin. FN makes a pistol in the same caliber.

what ive been reading about the ps90(and mind you i've finger fucked it many times)is that in the past year or so the only ammo they're newly manufacturing for civilians(or the militia as i like to call us) have alot less powder than the military(seals in particular). so my point is that the ps90 shoots pretty much just some very sharp .22 cal unless ur willing to buy pre owned, or home made ammo.
what ive been reading about the ps90(and mind you i've finger fucked it many times)is that in the past year or so the only ammo they're newly manufacturing for civilians(or the militia as i like to call us) have alot less powder than the military(seals in particular). so my point is that the ps90 shoots pretty much just some very sharp .22 cal unless ur willing to buy pre owned, or home made ammo.

The difference between the civilian ammo and LE/military ammo is the bullet types not how much powder is in them.

SS190 = (LE/Mil) FMJ aluminum core with steel penetrator.
L191 = (LE/Mil) FMJ tracer
SB193 = (LE/Mil) subsonic
SS195LF = (civilian) JHP with non-lead core
SS197SR = (civilian) V-Max bullet.
SS198LF = (civilian) FMJ with non-lead core

The PS90 with civilian ammo has been used to take coyote sized game and smaller.
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Kel Tec S2K 9mm < than 300$ shoots pretty good too , I think I was grinnin too much on that last shot:icon_wink:;

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