physical training?

I do Crunches. I like the cheese flavored ones, but 250 of 'em would be too filling for me.

As for gettin' older...yer makin' me weep, Dude! I can't remember 49, and I know I'm far from the Elder Statesman on these pages! I'll be waving back from milemarker 60 come March. Gimme a call when you get there...tell me how you're feeling then!

I do Crunches. I like the cheese flavored ones, but 250 of 'em would be too filling for me.

As for gettin' older...yer makin' me weep, Dude! I can't remember 49, and I know I'm far from the Elder Statesman on these pages! I'll be waving back from milemarker 60 come March. Gimme a call when you get there...tell me how you're feeling then!
Hopefully i will feel good and be doing well.I don`t consider 60 to be old either.My father is 80 and still very physically active every day and the good lord willing,so will i.
I am sure you all are aware, but exercise is one of the best things you can do for diabetes. I am proud to hear you are doing it. I see so many patients that don't want to change there life styles and simply want to take a "pill". While that will certainly help, it is defiantly not the best answer. Good Job.

My weight has been constant for years,,, + or- 155#s. The docs keep saying to keep on doing whatever you have been doing.

I guess I will have to keep working in the framing industry half of the year and float tube fly fishing during the summer. Snow removal and skiing 125 days a season for about 2-3 hours a day during the winter. I gave up beer about 6-7 years ago due to SWMBO's demand and smokes about the same time on my own (I was off smokes for about 5 years during my 40s as well). I just turned 57 and arthritis is starting to catch up with me a bit,,, oh well.



Well, The Training I Do Is An Run And Dodge And Jump.
For Example, Make Your Own Training Course. First 100 Feet, Going To A Forest. Then Crawl Thu Some Barrels. Jump Or Go Thu A An Old
House. Shoot At One Of The Target In That Room. Then Run Next 350
Yard... Then Stop. Shoot A Target At 10 Yards. By Doing This, This Help Control Your Thinking. Once Your Body Feel Tried, And Try Set
Your Shooting In A Very Tight Groups. This What We Do In The Military And Law Enforcement.
With all this gout, diabetes and arthritis being discussed, I feel like a complete youngster. :eek: I'm actually only 25...but as a matter of fact, it may be good that many people wait a while before getting CWP licenses. A disturbing number of people in their 20s are irresponsible and prone to doing stupid things. Everyone who's been there knows what I'm talking about.

I have a gym membership, but as is often the case, I don't go as often as I'd like. I *am* trying to go more, though. I have for a long time done some martial arts and weight training on my own, whether I'm going to the gym regularly or not.

I really believe that an important component is eating - good nutrition will significantly magnify the results of workouts, and prevent you from having to overwork. You are literally what you eat. While I'm a card-carrying, heat-packing conservative, my diet is like that of a liberal rainbow kisser. :D Organic tofu, mushrooms, bean sprouts, the whole nine yards. If you're going to do something, borrow what works and do it well, right?

Anyway, IMO...if you carry a gun but die of a heart attack or stroke, then that's just a different (and more likely) kind of bullet. So, I eat well with the same justification as for carrying.
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Last year this time I was at about 200 lbs and I got down to about 165 by mostly changing to a healthy diet with some exercise but the exercise wasn't consistant. Since I moved to Tampa I haven't been as strict but I'll be getting back into the routine again which is riding my bike everyday and working out at least 3 times a week. Right now I've just got a weight bench and some dumbbells with a little routing a friend of mine put together.
AT 50 + retired with back injurys I am the dumb bell. Who better to have ccw than us that can not duke it out anymore.

just shooting the bad guy saves a lot of wear and tear on the bod, that's for sure!! i have had less than zero success in my pt plans, but hey, new year is coming. if i can just get started, i will be successful.:cool:
LOL at the "Old Phart" training regimen. That's about what I do myself. Plus running around after my elementary school age kids (and not succeeding).
AT 50 + retired with back injurys I am the dumb bell. Who better to have ccw than us that can not duke it out anymore.

Here, Here!
Besides, I went to the doctor the other day and he said that I had the perfect body weigh...for someone six inches taller than myself...
I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this. Hilarious, Puppy.

I'm 43 years old and need to lose some weight. I'm running 4 to 5 times per week, 3 miles each time. I started in August and have lost about 30 pounds so far. I'm about half way to my goal but seem to have hit a plateau. I started at 255, am now (and have been for a few weeks) 226 and would like to get down to around 200.

Any suggestions to get the weight coming off again? I think I need to totally stop drinking alcohol, that is the only thing that has changed the last few weeks. When I drink not only do I add a bunch of empty cals to my diet but I don't watch what I eat as well either.

I started on the special K diet and walking fast about 2 miles 4 times a week. I was 290 lbs, November 1st i weighed 272lbs, at christmas i weighed 252lbs and today i weigh 243lbs my goal weight is 210 sure hope i can make it. for those who havent heard of it basically i eat a bowl of cerial for breakfast and lunch and attempt to eat a sensible dinner, put down the soda's and only drink water and coffee with artificial sweeteners of course. iv also found that since special K pretty much has little flavor it can be substituted with pretty much any cerial with the same caloric intake such as cherio's or even the low sugar oatmeals as well. now after about 3 days i felt a little weak woozy i would say and checked my blood sugar which normally ran about 120 or so and found that it had dropped and pretty much hovers at 80 which couldnt be no more perfect. the weak and woozyness feelings past on day 4 as my body got use to the adjustment. I also noticed that it took less food to fill me up at dinner time. my wife started thinking there was something wrong with her cooking since i was'nt going for seconds. since i started this diet i feel much better. Its been very hard for me to stick too since where i work at the fire dept everybody in the community brings us left over food and goodies from their parties and such, but i have done well my willpower hasnt faded much. the other upside is breakfast and lunch all weel cost under $10, saving me lots of money to buy more things for my guns!!!

I started on the special K diet and walking fast about 2 miles 4 times a week. I was 290 lbs, November 1st i weighed 272lbs, at christmas i weighed 252lbs and today i weigh 243lbs my goal weight is 210 sure hope i can make it. for those who havent heard of it basically i eat a bowl of cerial for breakfast and lunch and attempt to eat a sensible dinner, put down the soda's and only drink water and coffee with artificial sweeteners of course. iv also found that since special K pretty much has little flavor it can be substituted with pretty much any cerial with the same caloric intake such as cherio's or even the low sugar oatmeals as well. now after about 3 days i felt a little weak woozy i would say and checked my blood sugar which normally ran about 120 or so and found that it had dropped and pretty much hovers at 80 which couldnt be no more perfect. the weak and woozyness feelings past on day 4 as my body got use to the adjustment. I also noticed that it took less food to fill me up at dinner time. my wife started thinking there was something wrong with her cooking since i was'nt going for seconds. since i started this diet i feel much better. Its been very hard for me to stick too since where i work at the fire dept everybody in the community brings us left over food and goodies from their parties and such, but i have done well my willpower hasnt faded much. the other upside is breakfast and lunch all weel cost under $10, saving me lots of money to buy more things for my guns!!!

That sounds pretty good. Keep up the good work. I would advise being careful about the artifical sweetners though. They may be worse than sugar. Especially Aspertame. Check out the following sites, there are many more on the web.

I'm pretty active. even when I am home all day in front of the computer I will still do some weight training. stay conditioned for martial arts. snowboard as much as possible. and if there's no snow I rollerblade or swim or pretty much everything. I like to push myself.
aw, he&^**!

while reviewing my p.t. program, i learned i wasn't doing enough. i am supposed to do THREE F.B.I. circuits.......NOT ONE!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

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