PETA...5 short of a 6 pack!

Red Hat

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Anyone for a double scoop? How about a Bananny split!

Mama's milk ice cream cone, anyone?

WATERBURY, Vt. (AP) — Mooove over, Holsteins. PETA wants world-famous Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for the milk used in its ice cream.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is asking the ice cream maker to begin using breast milk in its products instead of cow's milk, saying it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product.
The idea got a cool reception Thursday from Ben & Jerry's officials, the company's customers and even La Leche League International, the world's oldest breast-feeding support organization, which promotes the practice — for babies, anyway.

Read the rest here, Link Removed
what a bunch of freaks... I've actually heard of them attacking other people in order to "protect" the rights of animals..
I thought human beings were the most intelligent animals?? not in these guy's circle.
I wonder what it would taste like. Rather than recommend using human milk, why not push soy milk? Next thing you know, they'll be complaining that the soy beans are being treated badly. :rolleyes:

even though this is so ridiculous it just makes me laugh, I mean I love ice-cream and I love my Mom ,but COME ON:bad: on the serious side as a breeder of Borzoi for 25 years, these folks are every bit as dangerous as the anti-gunners. Now they are pushing in every state they can a government enforced spay and neuter bill.
It would force me by law to have any and all dogs I own spayed and/or neutered by the age of 6 months or face fines and if they got their way possible jail time and the confiscation of my dogs.
These freaks want to control every aspect of your life....:help: ok back to the cake and ice-cream :dance3:
I wonder what it would taste like. Rather than recommend using human milk, why not push soy milk? Next thing you know, they'll be complaining that the soy beans are being treated badly. :rolleyes:

Soy milk won't fly with them. Do you know how many Soy beans you would have to kill to get a gallon of Soy Milk?:dance3:
I wonder what it would taste like. Rather than recommend using human milk, why not push soy milk? Next thing you know, they'll be complaining that the soy beans are being treated badly. :rolleyes:


Wait a sec! It's PETA, not PETS (People for the ethical of soybeans)!
The answer is not soy. The answer is to allow PETA to become truly green--

Then they can serve the needs of Mother Earth by helping to lessen the demands upon her...
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