Personal Readiness


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Personal Readiness

By: Festus

Personal readiness is a personal responsibility.

I order to be "READY", We must ask ourselves first and foremost...WHAT IS READY?
You can take your average Bubba off the street and plop his fat squishy rear in the most prepared place on Earth. Bubba will have plenty of resources but without some degree of readiness, Bubba is a liability to himself and a danger to others.

Buying/owning a firearm without a good working knowledge of it is a classic example of preparedness without readiness. Strangely enough I have met some retired and ex-military types that when they were done with the service, THEY WERE DONE WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE SERVICE! They retained the knowledge but none of the necessary equipment (civilian or otherwise). That being said they are no longer prepared or ready. They have given up by their own choice.

Remember the old saying that there are 3 kinds of people in the world...
and finally...

Many people who have started preparing have collected a firearm, ammo, food and medical supplies...
Some of these folk know full well how to use them, and are well trained, hence "PREPARED AND READY".

Others who have collected the stuff they think they need, but have no training or experience whatsoever, hence "PREPARED BUT NOT READY". These are the ones who will slow a group to a crawl. They are not fit, have no skills, and contribute next to nothing to a working team. Those that bought equipment but do not know how to use it, were at least smart enough to look ahead. THEY HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF LEARNING and thus becoming "PREPARED"

The last group is the one I fear most. UNPREPARED, UNTRAINED and UNAWARE. These are the ones that simply do not "Get It"! They are in my opinion best left to Govt' social programs because THEY DO NOT THINK ON THEIR OWN!

Personal preparedness should include the following skills
The ability to make or find shelter
Water acquisition and purification
Making Fire without matches
Orienteering (land navigation using a map and compass)
Basic Medical (first aid for most common situations and ailments)(advanced first aid for all non-life threatening trauma)
Personal Hygiene
Food gathering and preparation (Hunting, Fishing, Foraging, and Gardening)
Staying cool and dry in Summer (remembering to take care of your feet)
Staying Warm and Dry in Fall, Winter, and Spring (remembering to take care of your feet)
Taking good care of your feet

And finally last but not least
Firearm Proficiency (it is last because you do less shooting than anything else in a survival situation)

ARE YOU PREPARED? (do you have the tools you need)
ARE YOU READY? (do you have the training and the willpower)
Good points festus. I am afraid that the majority fall into category number 3. I hope I am wrong but I doubt that I am. So many go through life thinking that if anything happens big brother will be there to take care of them. Big brother will take care of them alright but not in the way they hope.
Very nice...I think I am going to copy and paste this one on my word processor so I can have a nice prepared. Thanks.
this good...

also why i started threads on physical fitness and it's importance. my fitness has taken about 2 steps backward due my bilateral pneumonia. i still have a touch of it. ad i have had to change my workout plan since the gym has become unavailable.. i encourage everyone strongly to get in the best physical condition you can. get on the web and search for military/ police fitness routines. football routines....SOMETHING!! then put down the pizza and extra beer, ice cream and the crap you usually eat, start eating good food, get up off your fat butt and move it!!! there military manuals you can download, police academy programs, old school stuff..... i can help you find them, but YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS TO GET UP AND EXECUTE THE PROGRAM....
Frankly, one of my pet peeves about CCW permit holders (and I was guilty of this for a time) is that people jump thru the minimal hoops necessary to get the permit, strap on a firearm and THINK they're prepared & ready. Actually, I'm starting to think that if the SHTF, these people will be a LIABILITY because they will probably shoot themselves or others on the team.

And that's just weapon preparedness. Fitness? Survivial? Empty-hand fighting? Forgetaboutit.

As alway, Festus, spot on.
Actually, I'm starting to think that if the SHTF, these people will be a LIABILITY because they will probably shoot themselves or others on the team.

And that's just weapon preparedness. Fitness? Survivial? Empty-hand fighting? Forgetaboutit.

As alway, Festus, spot on.

This worries me too.
so, the question is.......

what are you going to do about it? what will YOU do to be a asset and not a liability to yourself and /or your team? whatever you decide to do, do quickly.
I'd say my biggest problem right now is getting back into better physical condition. Since I retired from Law Enforcement, I've found it easier to sit in my recliner more often. I also work part time doing Gunsmithing, so I sit a lot at a work bench. I used to work out 3 times a week in the weight room and run a mile evryday except Sunday. Nowadays, I run like Old People have sex. Slow and Sloppy.

So I'm vowing to do better. I like putting on a small survival/ hydration pack and a pistol and walking through the woods. I'm going to do that more. I'm going to find a decent gym or get a weight bench and start back to toning up a little bit. Let's face it, survival in a Post SHTF world will require some physical fitness. You can't survive if you can't exert yourself. And I can't imagine myself being subjected to the "New World" after having a heart attack or a stroke. I have the "things" I need, the Knowlege I need. I believe I'm prepared mentally and spiritually. But I need to get back to the physical preparation.
+1 1911HB.

While I stay in minimally reasonable shape using a rowing machine and doing pushups and situps, "minimally reasonable" ain't gonna cut it in a SHTF scenario.

I have gained too much weight in my middle years and have resolved to "up the ante" a bit with more challenging workouts and get back to "fighting shape". Age doesn't matter...
Been thinking about this. For me I think it is time to take some basic and or intermediate/advanced self defense weapons classes. The wife too.
Anyone can PM me if thet don't want to answer here or direct me to another thread.
This way you can answer honestly in case there might be a negative response about one of the supporters (advertisers) of USA Carry.
Has anyone been to Front sight or have any first or even second info about it. The Sig Sauer Academy is closest to me. Anyone been there? S&W gives some training..anyone??
Be very coll but a bit expensive to make it out to Gunsight. Any help apreciated. Meanwhile I will check around for there webpage and look up other schools.
Thanks all
Been thinking about this. For me I think it is time to take some basic and or intermediate/advanced self defense weapons classes. The wife too.
Anyone can PM me if thet don't want to answer here or direct me to another thread.
This way you can answer honestly in case there might be a negative response about one of the supporters (advertisers) of USA Carry.
Has anyone been to Front sight or have any first or even second info about it. The Sig Sauer Academy is closest to me. Anyone been there? S&W gives some training..anyone??
Be very coll but a bit expensive to make it out to Gunsight. Any help apreciated. Meanwhile I will check around for there webpage and look up other schools.
Thanks all

Do not have any first had knowledge about this school but have read some articles that have good things to say about it. It is in Georgia.

Rogers Shooting School - Reactive Shooting Training
Thanks HK. This is the kind of help I am looking for. Bookmarked the site. Read a little and will go over all of their site later. Never heard of it but that doesn't mean a thing. Thanks for pointing it out to me.
Thanks HK. This is the kind of help I am looking for. Bookmarked the site. Read a little and will go over all of their site later. Never heard of it but that doesn't mean a thing. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

I think the last article I read on it was either in SWAT or American Handgunner magazine about 2 years ago. Perhaps a google search could turn up the article.

I'd say my biggest problem right now is getting back into better physical condition. Since I retired from Law Enforcement, I've found it easier to sit in my recliner more often. I also work part time doing Gunsmithing, so I sit a lot at a work bench. I used to work out 3 times a week in the weight room and run a mile evryday except Sunday. Nowadays, I run like Old People have sex. Slow and Sloppy.

So I'm vowing to do better. I like putting on a small survival/ hydration pack and a pistol and walking through the woods. I'm going to do that more. I'm going to find a decent gym or get a weight bench and start back to toning up a little bit. Let's face it, survival in a Post SHTF world will require some physical fitness. You can't survive if you can't exert yourself. And I can't imagine myself being subjected to the "New World" after having a heart attack or a stroke. I have the "things" I need, the Knowlege I need. I believe I'm prepared mentally and spiritually. But I need to get back to the physical preparation.

you might have a look at L.A.P.D. pre academy workout program. google it for the link. no equipment needed !

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