Permit size?


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So my old PA concealed carry permit issued through Centre County came laminated and wallet size. My new renewal is about a 3" x 5" piece of paper. Doesn't appear this will fold and laminate very well, has anyone come up with alternatives so it stays in tact for 5 years?
Just reduce the size on a photocopier and laminate it. I just got my non-resident on Friday, same size as yours, and reduced its size on a copier. It looks good, everything is perfectly legible.
So my old PA concealed carry permit issued through Centre County came laminated and wallet size. My new renewal is about a 3" x 5" piece of paper. Doesn't appear this will fold and laminate very well, has anyone come up with alternatives so it stays in tact for 5 years?

I have a nonresident permit from Centre County. I solved that problem by going to Kinko's and having them shrink it down to credit card size and laminating it.
Currently some PA counties use plastic and some use paper. My county (Carbon) currently uses a 3x5-ish card folded in half that is laminated. I was told that they will be going to the "plastic" permits in a year or two that look more like driver's licenses.
When I got my original Center County PA permit is was the big size, so I contacted the Sheriff's Office to confirm it was legal to copy, reduce and laminate it.

They informed me that this practice was fine and that the permit was still recognized as the original.
I see that this is an old thread, but I'll post my $.02 anyway.

When i got my Fayette county permit, the sheriff's office told me that they normally just reduced and laminated the 3x5 version. In fact, they sent me both the 3x5 version (with sheriff/notary imprint) and the reduced and laminated copy. They sent both because they weren't able to reduce the photo i sent for the wallet-size version. They said i could just apply the photo myself and reduce/laminate it. I have since decided that i would just keep the "Valid without photo" version. :biggrin:

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