Permit/ residence question


New member
Alright i recently applied for handgun permit, and i have my interview scheduled for this Thursday and I'm kind of nervous. Basically what I am asking is do any of you know what kind of questions are they going to ask me. I really do not want to fail at the interview especially after paying so much. Thank you for taking out your busy time to help!
You don't say where you are but I expect the basic questions are pretty common. Of course they are going to ask why you want to carry? Why do you feel a "need" to carry? What makes you a target for a criminal? What is your experience with guns? What is your training? What is you knowledge of the law?

The main point of the interview (I believe) is to see if you are a reasonable person or some kind of a nut. Try to relax and be normal and you should be fine.
Thank You so ...much and I am sorry for not mentioning that I am applying for new york city. I guess I am just a little bit nervous because of the penal laws and all and i have been studying them but don't remember everything.
Thank You so ...much and I am sorry for not mentioning that I am applying for new york city. I guess I am just a little bit nervous because of the penal laws and all and i have been studying them but don't remember everything.

Oh man i feel your pain. If you are applying for NY city you had better have a damn good reason for wanting to carry. Like you are being stalked, carry large amounts of cash around with you and the list goes on. I will hope you get one. But all the stories i hear about the state of NY i don't think you will get one ( unless you are LEO/EX leo.) You would have a better shot at getting one if you lived in another part of the state NYC is a real pain to get one in.
Permit/residence question

I have to agree with S&WM&P40. New York City has the Sullivan laws, which go back to Tammany Hall. Those laws were instituted to allow the powers that be to completely control their opponents. Those laws have never been repealed or changed. I think it pseaks to how effective the Sullivan laws are when you look at New York City's murder rate and rate of crimes committed with firearms. I have to point out that in New York City, it is not necessarily a carry permit the person is after. You must have a permit for a gun in your home.
Thank You so ...much and I am sorry for not mentioning that I am applying for new york city. I guess I am just a little bit nervous because of the penal laws and all and i have been studying them but don't remember everything.

Don't forget that they may ask you the question; "When is it okay to use a firearm for self defense?"

Your answer to that question should be; "Only in the gravest extreme" where your life is in imminent danger...
NY City is not the same as NY State. In the city, it is extremely hard to get ANY kind of permit. In the rest of the state, it;s not that bad, but it does depend on the county you live in. Some are anti-gun/CCW and some are not