Pennsylvania Turnpike On Verge Of 75 Year Lease To Spanish Toll Road Operator


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We have the best politicians money can buy

Former World Bank economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, has stated that the process of foreign corporations buying up U.S. infrastructure is part of the globalization endgame, where the America literally goes into receivership to other countries.

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They ain't the first state to try that I believe it's sections of the 80/90 that goes through Ohio is under the control of a private company. Turning a road that receives federal funding, was built wiyh the toll from citizens over to a private company just seems wrong on too many levels.
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i would submit that this is part of the unification process of the so-called north american union, which, i am glad to say we postponed in texas. it is known as the trans texas roadway. no to induce anything illegal , bt what would happen if enough gunowners met these no-goodniks out in the yard with a rifle, and challenged all comers?