Pennsylvaia non res. CCW


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I have a question abot PA non res CCW. I am a New Jersey resident and want a PA non res CCW. I have a Virginia and Florida non res but, originally started out want ing the PA but, was told that PA non res is very had to impossible to get. I have been on this page and another CCW pager where people were getting them. So my question is what's the real deal? Can I or can't I. I looked on the PA webpage and it states. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older and are NOT Pennsylvania residents may apply for a license by submitting a completed Application for a Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms to any Pennsylvania County Sheriff’s office along with the required fee. A Pennsylvania license cannot be issued to a resident of another state who does not possess a current license or permit or similar document to carry a firearm issued by their home state if a license is provided for by the laws of that state, as published annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the Treasury. In english what does this mean? I think you need a CCW from your home state if your home state issues them but, if your from New Jersey which doesn't issue them you can get one. Anyone with a PA non res please lend a hand. Thanks

I live in MD, just as much as a gun hating state as yours is, I have both of these liscenses, these WILL allow you to carry legally into PA. The Florida , and VA non-resident permits do allow you to carry in PA freely my man. So please do so!

PA resident here.

In plain English...

Because you do not have a permit from can NOT get one from PA. PA does issue very frequently to non-residents...but that one requirement will prevent YOU from getting it.
Look on the reciprocity map. Click non resident FL, and non resident VA. You will clearly see that by having both the FL, and VA, non-resident liscenses yopu are LEGALLY allowed to conceal carry in the state of PEnsylvania. This was my biggest concearn, and was the reason why I purchased the liscense to be able to conceal carry asd a non - resident in the state of PA.

Look on the reciprocity map. Click non resident FL, and non resident VA. You will clearly see that by having both the FL, and VA, non-resident liscenses yopu are LEGALLY allowed to conceal carry in the state of PEnsylvania. This was my biggest concearn, and was the reason why I purchased the liscense to be able to conceal carry asd a non - resident in the state of PA.


I do have my FL and VA licenses and know the FL and VA non residents are good in PA. I eventually will move back to PA and want to have a license of some kind in PA in case they tighten up the laws, stop issuing etc. I thought I saw people from other states like New Jersey get them. I am thinking someone from Illinois.
Oh I got ya, Just for concearn. I can tell you that PA gun ownwers wont let a right to carry slip from them. You will be fine when you moove there just go to the local PD and register that day. Good Luck to you!
If your state does not issue Resident permits (such as Hawaii) you can get a PA by puting a copy of your FL or UT permit in with the applicaiton. My PA permit took about 11 days -it's just a paper slip (looks like a Dr note) signed by the Sheriff. Centre County Sheriff Nau is the place I applied via mail.
The only requirement is you need a valid ccw from your state of residence i applied for my pa ccw took 7 days door to door non-resident Centre County Sheriff there is great!!!!:pleasantry:
I have a question abot PA non res CCW. I am a New Jersey resident and want a PA non res CCW. I have a Virginia and Florida non res but, originally started out want ing the PA but, was told that PA non res is very had to impossible to get. I have been on this page and another CCW pager where people were getting them. So my question is what's the real deal? Can I or can't I. I looked on the PA webpage and it states. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older and are NOT Pennsylvania residents may apply for a license by submitting a completed Application for a Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms to any Pennsylvania County Sheriff’s office along with the required fee. A Pennsylvania license cannot be issued to a resident of another state who does not possess a current license or permit or similar document to carry a firearm issued by their home state if a license is provided for by the laws of that state, as published annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the Treasury. In english what does this mean? I think you need a CCW from your home state if your home state issues them but, if your from New Jersey which doesn't issue them you can get one. Anyone with a PA non res please lend a hand. Thanks

another Nj person to share my pain, I also have a FL CCWP and CC in PA, but not in this place we all home. PA will only issue non res. if nj gives to you one 1st..good luck with that.. keep me posted.
Im sorry to hear that about your state.They wont issue CCW Permits to residents? I thought New York State Was Rough But, Sounds Like NJ is Harder. Why doesnt NJ Issue CCW permits for their residents? I know for a fact that Centre County requires CCW from your State of residence But, The Sheriff In Centre is a great guy he Does believe in armed citizans Try calling him and, talking to him and, explain your situation. Sheriff Denny Nau 1-814-355-6803 or email,([email protected]) he will listen to what you have to say the best way to achieve your goal is to go in person My friend and I, drove down to his office so tim could apply for his permit we where in and, out with tims permit in about hour and a half and, the conversation we hade with the sheriff was great he really enjoys his job and believe it or not the revenue generated from non-resiedent CCW permits helps his community so the moral is Centre County will only deny a permit based on criminal records not Political so calling him and, introducing yourself goes along way with good ole guys they believe in respecting fellow citizens by far the whole sheriffs office doesnt think like some departments that, they are above the law. very down to earth people and caring. good luck please let me know the outcome if you should deciede to call him.
Im sorry to hear that about your state.They wont issue CCW Permits to residents? I thought New York State Was Rough But, Sounds Like NJ is Harder. Why doesnt NJ Issue CCW permits for their residents? I know for a fact that Centre County requires CCW from your State of residence But, The Sheriff In Centre is a great guy he Does believe in armed citizans Try calling him and, talking to him and, explain your situation. Sheriff Denny Nau 1-814-355-6803 or email,([email protected]) he will listen to what you have to say the best way to achieve your goal is to go in person My friend and I, drove down to his office so tim could apply for his permit we where in and, out with tims permit in about hour and a half and, the conversation we hade with the sheriff was great he really enjoys his job and believe it or not the revenue generated from non-resiedent CCW permits helps his community so the moral is Centre County will only deny a permit based on criminal records not Political so calling him and, introducing yourself goes along way with good ole guys they believe in respecting fellow citizens by far the whole sheriffs office doesnt think like some departments that, they are above the law. very down to earth people and caring. good luck please let me know the outcome if you should deciede to call him.

Needing a License from your home state is a PA state law, not a sheriff add on.

18 Pa.C.S. § 6109: Licenses

* ...
* (e)(1) A license to carry a firearm shall be for the purpose of carrying a firearm concealed on or about one's person or in a vehicle and shall be issued if, after an investigation not to exceed 45 days, it appears that the applicant is an individual concerning whom no good cause exists to deny the license. A license shall not be issued to any of the following:
o ...
o (ix) A resident of another state who does not possess a current license or permit or similar document to carry a firearm issued by that state if a license is provided for by the laws of that state, as published annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the Treasury under 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(19) (relating to definitions).

even tho there are several sheriffs that illegally add requirements, I dont think you will find any that will ignore requirements
I never implied that he would ignore state law, merely stated he maybe could steer you in right direction or, advise you on other possibilities

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