Pay Raise

Most retired members will get a 5.8% raise in retired and VA pay come January. This is not only higher than active duty but the highest in recent history. I wonder who's taking care of us old guys in Washington?

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Yo ronwill,
Lemme see here, the basic pay for an E7 over 18 years of service (no other pay or allowances included like BAQ or Sep-Rats) is $3,803 per month, DFAS 2008 pay scale for base-pay ONLY.
Now the word I got when I hit 20 was I get 1/2 of what my active-duty counter-part gets in base-pay for life, and it's like active duty pay, taxable, so we won't even go there and leave both figures at B 4 tax, 'K?
So my restored retired pay kicked in (YEAH!) and I see DFAS has plonked $1,515 a month into my bank.
I was never great at math BUT 1/2 of an E7 pay @ 20 years (over 18 but not made 21 years) is $1,901.50.

Canis, I would believe that the deposited amount would be after all deductions. This would include income tax, social security and any VA disability deduction. Remember that until you reach a certain amount of disability (I believe 30% but could be wrong) the VA amount is also deducted from retirement pay. Also, if you have an insurance or other allotment that would be deducted.
Canis, there's this guy in my town named Col. Day who is asking the same question about vets not getting the package they were promised.
Canis you got me thinking on this one. I went to MyPay and double checked to make sure. If my math is correct I'm getting right at the 67% that I'm supposed to be getting. This is after I added the VA differential back in. I went back and looked at the pay scale when I retired and subtracted 33%, tried to figure pay raises in that also. I didn't come off more than a percentage point on the figuring, hoping I did it right.
Seems like many years ago Active duty guys were howling about retirees getting 2 raises per year. The % that AD got plus the COLA. They were getting more than 50% of AD pay at the 20 yr rate. Congress changed it to COLA raises only.

I could be wrong but I understood that at 20 years I would get 50% of my basic pay when I retired plus COLA adjustments annually.

Right after I retired Bush Sr got some very significant AD raises. I currently get much less than an E-8 retiring at 20 today at 50%.

There was as I recall a big retirement change. Can't remember when cut-off was but now retirement is 40% at 20 if they entered after ???? mid 80's? 50% at 24 yrs. I again could be wrong on this CRS you know.

It would be nice if the retired rate was adjusted to match the AD rate. But if tied to current AD 40% of basic that would suck.
Seems like many years ago Active duty guys were howling about retirees getting 2 raises per year. The % that AD got plus the COLA. They were getting more than 50% of AD pay at the 20 yr rate. Congress changed it to COLA raises only.

I could be wrong but I understood that at 20 years I would get 50% of my basic pay when I retired plus COLA adjustments annually.

Harvey I remember something along those lines also. Another factor in retirement was the time period where they based pay on the last 3 (maybe 5) years of active service. Retired pay was based on the average of those years active pay. I was grandfathered during that time and didn't pay any attention to it. Another thing to consider is actual retirement date. I had to explain to a couple of guys that were going to retire the end of the month prior to their enlistment anniversary. They were thinking they would get paid for 22 years as an example when, in fact, they were only going to get retired pay for 20. They didn't know you had to retire at the end of your anniversary month to get that pay.
The old scale that I retired on was 50% at 20 years and 2 1/2% per year over the 20 year mark. I put in 22 years and I get 55%. The only pay raises that we received two in one year was in Jan and Oct of 1971 and 1972. In Oct 1971 we got a 100% pay raise plus a cost of living increase which over doubled our pay. Man that was nice! I was getting $198.30 a month minus $40 that went to my wifes class "Q" allotment. They added I believe was $60 to my $40 and sent her a check for $100 each month. After the 71 100% pay raise the stopped the class "Q" allotments. Here are some old Pay Scales from 1949 to 2006.

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WOW Red hat I forgot how bad the pay was then. I not go dig out LES's but seems like E-4 with combat pay I got a whopping $120 a month tax free in VN with a $25 bond taken out in 1969/70. CRS is not a good thing or is it. EDIT looked at pay tables I do not remember 200+ in VN. But it could have been.

Retirees would have needed help to catch up with AD raises in 70's. Although I do not remember all the issues I do remember when the rate passed what AD would get if they retired then.

I retired Jan 91. The 2.5% per year over 20 was/is still in effect but it was/is also broken down into % per month served over 20. That way you did not have to go to anniversary month to get full benefit.
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Pay was real bad back then even with the low cost of living we didn't make much at all. Remember that $200 was before taxes and they were high.

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