I've noticed that all the signs on the outside of his shop are gone and I've not seen any vehicles parked there for a while. Is that business closed? Do you know if Doc relocated? Retired? Anyone know what's going on there?
did police ever catch that scumbag murderer?
Doc moved his gunsmithing business to his home. I am not quite sure where the heck that is, but its close or behind the Marine Corps Memorial. He is only doing gunsmithing now, the shop was not that busy and costing him more money than it was worth.
I just saw him last night at the Nugget.. said he was doing much better just working from his home.
I miss the place as well.. I live close down by blagg and I used to stop in there a lot.. Used to even help out in the place for fun when Joe owned but (But thats a WHOLE other story.. lol) so I am sad to see it go.. but its better for him now doing gun smth stuff and not having to worry about inventory.