paddle or belt loop


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Hi My name is Jay and wanted some help to help me decide. I have my ccw and going to buy a 1911 full size (i know its huge) any who, I'm looking at the black hawk serpa holster. It comes with both paddle and belt loop platforms. Im also looking at the black hawk mag holsterwith assecory rail. The assecory rail comes in either belt loop OR paddle. What one do you think is better and why

Thanks for the help
Hi My name is Jay and wanted some help to help me decide. I have my ccw and going to buy a 1911 full size (i know its huge) any who, I'm looking at the black hawk serpa holster. It comes with both paddle and belt loop platforms. Im also looking at the black hawk mag holsterwith assecory rail. The assecory rail comes in either belt loop OR paddle. What one do you think is better and why

Thanks for the help

Are you going to open carry or conceal?
Whichever is more comfortable/secure

Most modern kydex paddles are very secure. My Safariland paddle wont budge when I dont want it to. No experience w/Serpa, but I imagine the paddle is probably just as good. Also, paddle is more conducive to open carry, as the gun tends to sit a little further from the body than with the slide.

The slide will be more secure on your belt, and will tend to hug your body more, which is better for concealing. It's also a pain to take off.

And as for the 1911 FS, I dont know your body type, but 1911s tend to be the best if you ever want to carry IWB, as they have a very slim body style.
Are you going to open carry or conceal?

I plan to use an IWB holster when I carry concealed in the summer, but in the winter, i plan to use the serpa when carrying concealed. I will be using the mag holster concealed in both winter and summer. Just wanted some help deciding which mag holster to go for, the paddle style or the belt loop style
I have a Blackhawk CQC Serpa for my H&K USP .40—and I use the paddle. I secure my CCW & holster in my desk while in office; so, the paddle is the only way to go for me! :)
I carry a full-size 1911 in a Mernickle slide holster (I'm assuming this is what is meant by a belt loop?). Works perfectly (as long as I check the screws periodically) and when I'm at work I slide the weapon in my desk drawer. No one recognizes the slide as a holster; most probably think it's a cell phone holder or something. Suits me fine.
I plan to use an IWB holster when I carry concealed in the summer, but in the winter, i plan to use the serpa when carrying concealed. I will be using the mag holster concealed in both winter and summer. Just wanted some help deciding which mag holster to go for, the paddle style or the belt loop style

Since you're just talking winter, the paddle should be fine-if it stays secure. If you find it moving a lot or trying to fall out, switch to the belt slide! Also, any concealment you would've lost using the paddle is regained by a winter cover garment.
I prefer the belt loops on my Serpa.

Even though I need to undo my belt to remove the holster, I find it easier. The paddle is easy enough to put on, but I find it a royal pain to get off.
I have carried both as an LE officer, private investigator and civilian the paddle is nice if you are working undercover and need to hide a weapon quick (your cover does not support being armed) or some agencies do not want you to display weapons when you are in the office - so it makes it fast and easy to take your gun off.

On the other hand if your are only going to put the holster on once in the morning and take it off when you get home I have found the belt loop holsters seem to work better. Plus I'm getting a bit fat in my old age and the paddles tend to get unconformable or hot if you sit all day. I've also seen paddles come along with the gun on a panic draw which makes for some quick thinking clearing action drills if the guy you were drawing on does not laugh himself to death or worse yet your buddies on the range saw it.
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I use both paddle and belt OWB. You will find the paddle more wobbly than the belt holster, especially if you are carrying heavy. I use my paddle for carrying my Walther 99 and my Glock 26. I think that's about as heavy as I'd go with a paddle although I intend to try it with my new Sig P229 for giggles. Nothing like a solid belt and a solid well built belt holster. The butt of your gun is exactly where you expect to find it.....

We can add this to the discussion about the time delay in carrying one in the tube or not because if you reach to draw your pistola and it ain't where you left it, you have at least the same delay in having to rack a round up before defending yourself.

The really good thing about paddles is that they are easy on and easy off (usually.. although some of my better ones make me take off my belt to get them off but go ON easy). Think of all those situations where this would be an asset to you and then make up your mind.

Personally, even if I am in a position where a paddle is going to be more convenient, if I have the time I wear a belt loop holster. It's nice to feel the butt of that pistola exactly where you left it especially when practicing rapid deployment to first accurate shot. I am fortunate in that I have never had to draw my pistola. This after two home invasions (one failed, one the perps ran when we screamed like girls) and one whacko at a stoplight who didn't like the way I was driving (I do 100K a year and this was my first complaint.... think he was high or whacko). By the second invasion attempt I was in a position to protect myself. We live in a good area. These were two whacko high as a kite guys again... we had our doors replaced last year and they are now half glass.... the two of them were still trying to pry the door open when taken down at gunpoint.

There are other considerations with the paddle and one of them is that when you are driving you can adjust it to a cross-draw position making for faster access with the seatbelt on. (I tried the jackass rig but without a cover garment you just cannot use it conveniently, right?).

So what I have is a barrel full of holsters and believe it or not, my fav is a $29 job I picked up in NY with a reinforced mouth that can be carried IWB without collapsing, has a metal spring for attachment like a vise and fits my Glock like a glove. Go figure.

Good luck. Stay safe.
I have tried both with my ruger and sig. For me, the paddle holster tends to "flap" around too much. The belt-loop holster is more stable. Maybe the paddle holster is OK for lighter or smaller guns.
I have both - had the paddle first - and lately the paddle holster stays in my dresser drawer. The belt holster just makes the gun ride so much closer to my body and I feel it is better concealed under my jacket or shirt.
I have both - had the paddle first - and lately the paddle holster stays in my dresser drawer. The belt holster just makes the gun ride so much closer to my body and I feel it is better concealed under my jacket or shirt.

I have to agree, Especially the Blackhawk. It just seems more stable.
I'll stick with the loop or thread through designs.

A buddy of mine, a LEO firearms instructor down in South FL, had a paddle holster fail on him during qualifications a couple years ago. Prior to that, he was all about singing the praises of the paddle design-especially if it was a Kydex holster, too. He drew his sidearm and BOTH the holster and the gun came off his hip. The paddle was still in his pants and the holster ended up on the ground so he could finish that part of his qualification. Good thing it was only on the range, that could be the difference between going home or not in a real life situation.

I'm glad somebody has good luck with Galco.:sarcastic:

Their holsters are nice (overpriced, but nice) but their customer service STINKS. I gave up on them after the SECOND costumer service rep hung up on me. I'll carry my guns around in a .50 cal ammo can half filled with gravel before one of them touches another Galco holster.
I too have a Don Hume belt loop holster for my personal carry, and I also have a comfortcarry in the pants holster for complete concealment but I still prefer my belt loop Don Hume. I quess you have to be willing to part with a few dollars and find out what you prefer, not what everyone else likes.

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