Owning a gun in WA through private means


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now i have applied for my CPL but the sheriff is still holding my application until i have been a resident of 90 days, to put it through for my license. So basically, i cannot purchase a handgun at a gun shop or online from an ffl dealer, only through private sales. my question is:

Its perfectly legal for me to purchase a pistol through a private sale. However, the gun i really want, nobody is selling local. Someone has one, but wants trades only. I check several forums and classifieds sites daily.
Im looking for a glock 23, and there are some dealers i found on gunbroker.com who have it for a good price.
Could i have a friend order the gun under their name, then just give me the gun as a gift? will i run into any problems?i do not want to break the law, but i was told i can be given a pistol as a gift and the 90 day rule doesnt apply. This whole 90 day wait to buy a handgun or to apply for a CPL is total non sense.

Welcome to Washington.
I'd follow the rules for purchasing a gun here with the utmost of care.
Don't involve friends or family. It only risks their necks as well as your own.

Sure, 90 days sucks and it's a bit silly if you're an upstanding citizen with a clean-enough record. That's how it works here, unfortunately. Still, it's easier in Washington than many other states. Just try to avoid bad areas and keep your eyes looking for trouble. I hope the 90 days pass quickly for you.
Actually, it is perfectly legal for someone to buy a gun for you as a gift and give it to you. HOWEVER, that means that you cannot compensate them in any way for the gun, that is what the definition of gift is! Now, without an FFL, that gift has to be between two residents of the same state.

now i have applied for my CPL but the sheriff is still holding my application until i have been a resident of 90 days, to put it through for my license. So basically, i cannot purchase a handgun at a gun shop or online from an ffl dealer...

What does a CPL have to do with a handgun purchase? If you can truthfully answer all of the questions on the form, you can buy your handgun from any dealer (or through a private party for that matter). The CPL only means you're licensed to carry it concealed. I'd stay away from any straw-man schemes.
What does a CPL have to do with a handgun purchase? If you can truthfully answer all of the questions on the form, you can buy your handgun from any dealer (or through a private party for that matter). The CPL only means you're licensed to carry it concealed. I'd stay away from any straw-man schemes.

He's been a resident for less than 90 days. He doesn't want to buy the handgun from an FFL until he has the CPL because he doesn't want to be subject to the up to 60 day wait for the handgun purchase by a <90 days resident without a CPL.

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